The Third Twin
The Third Twin
| 09 November 1997 (USA)
The Third Twin Trailers

A biologist falls for a twin (Jason Gedrick) she is studying and confronts a scientist (Larry Hagman) with evidence on a cloning scandal

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
OllieSuave-007 This is a pretty exciting TV movie where Kelly McGillis of Top Gun fame stars as a doctor who is in danger after stumbling upon a secret cloning operation. It's not a bad movie with its steady pacing and adequate acting, generating enough suspense to keep the movie engaging. Kelly McGillis, though, was a little mediocre in her performance and Jason Gedrick played an OK antagonist. When I first saw the movie on TV, it was split up in three parts throughout a period of three nights, like a mini-series. So, I was always looking forward to it being shown on TV in order to find out the conclusion. The script does have some loose plot holes, but it has some good moments. It is worth the watch.Grade B-
Robin Cunningham A glimpse of our possible future - a thriller, exploring some of the less than desirable possibilities of human cloning. The casting has a comfortable feel ... Kelly McGillis as the attractive intelligent researcher, similar to her Top Gun character Charlie; Larry Hagman, in JR form, as bad guy and Jason Gedrick as the clones - not a big stretch from his bad boy Neal Avedon in Murder One. All were well played, though the screenplay was somewhat lacklustre compared to Follett's superb writing. Not must see cinema - but a pleasant diversion for a couple of evenings. 7/10
Lars-Toralf Storstrand Ken Follett is a great actor. His books are vivid. So vibrant. So descriptive. And when the movie-makers don't even bother to use his descriptions of the characters, when casting something is going down the drain. A much better choice for the part as Jeannie Ferrami would be Sandra Bullock. Kelly McGillis is way too old. Larry Hagman doesn't have the physical appearance to suit the role as Berrington Jones. Jason Gedrick is a pretty good choice for playing the clones, but there's bound to be someone out there suiting even better. I would have considered Edward Norton. He can be both nice and bad - in a great, and very descriptive way. HEY HOLLYWOOD! Try again! Make something better!!!
ricciolo Not a fervent moviegoer, but was intrigued by the name of the leading actress, could not remember at first if it was "her" I saw in Witness. I must say that she supported the part of Dr Ferrami very well and her performance was very credible. I'd give her an A plus for it. Now that there is a lot of talk about cloning a human being, this movie is very actual, it got my attention from start to finish. Francis