The Thing in the Apartment
The Thing in the Apartment
| 25 October 2015 (USA)
The Thing in the Apartment Trailers

There's something in Lindsay's apartment...

Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
logicproreviews The cinematography here is great, you can see so much detail with the crystal clear HD. It is also directed well. These are joyous things to see in short film making. This crew clearly love their craft and it shows.So we are introduced to Sam who receives a call from Lindsay who has just seen something in her apartment - hence the title. The performances are a bit hammy, but that was probably intentional - harking back to classic eighties VHS horror flicks.The first scare was ok, I mean this isn't exactly new ground. This is soon forgiven because the next jump scare is effective, when Sam is startled by her reflection in the mirror.All in all this was a fun little short.
Horst in Translation ( "The Thing in the Apartment" is an American English-language 10-minute live action short film from 2015 that runs for 10 minutes, minimally longer with full credits perhaps, and takes us into the word of best friends Sam and Lindsay. We find out what happens when Lindsay is scared because she saw a strange alien-like creature in her home. Like the BFF that Sam is she immediately comes to help. A good idea? Watch for yourself. In here we have a pretty clean structure from the filmmaking perspective. First chapter is the call, the introduction, then the two girls meet and talk in person and finally we have Sam search through the house followed by a little epilogue. This work by John Ross was a solid success overall and has been seen in under a year by about half a million people on Youtube. Today I joined them and I see the film was well-received enough for them to make a sequel that is considerably shorter though. Still while I enjoyed this one here, I am not too curious to watch and review said sequel immediately, maybe at some point in the future. As for this one here, it's a good watch unless the horror genre is really not to your liking at all. I am not the very biggest fan either, but enjoying this one comes easily. Groundbreaking or really new film perhaps not, but certainly worth checking out. I give it a thumbs-up.
bob the moo Sam gets a late call from Lindsay – she has fled her apartment as 'something' was in there with her. Collected a frightened Lindsay from a place far from her apartment, Sam is sure that it is the sleeping tablets playing tricks on her, and tries to calm her down.It is that time of year where lots of horror short films come out, and too many of them aren't really up to scratch, perhaps thinking that silence and random bangs can do the trick without creating a decent scenario or working on capturing a mood or setting a tone. The Thing in the Apartment is not earth-shattering in what it does, but it understands what it is trying to do and it mostly does it well. The scenario is simple but engaging enough to make you follow it, while the 'thing' of the title is nicely used as both a very obvious presence, but also a suggestion of horror on the edges of the eye. Personally I preferred the film when it was doing this suggesting, and in particular the scene in the first half where a dark room is made darker by virtue of the person watching something on their phone was pretty effective as both suggested presence and jump-scare (not least because I, like many others was in a darkened room watching this on a tablet). The creature itself is well enough done to stand up to clear view, which we get, and although the film does fall back on jump-scares and a sudden ending, it is still effective as a genre piece – which to be fair is really all it is trying to be. Solid horror short that is worth checking out.