The Tale of Jack Frost
The Tale of Jack Frost
| 04 August 2004 (USA)
The Tale of Jack Frost Trailers

An enchanted forest is created when some trees decide to "move up" to a big hill, where they can enjoy the sunshine and a new life. Many creatures move into the new forest and it soon becomes a paradise. Down below, live horrible goblins in a dark, gloomy forest. One night, a young boy comes through the dark, murky forest, running after the pursuing goblins. In the snowy cold of winter, the boy makes his way into the enchanted forest. When he wakes up, he meets the inhabitants and he is called Jack Frost, due to his strange power to make things cold with one touch of his finger...

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Ketrivie It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Mightyzebra This is a short, beautiful animated CGI film based on a picture book with the same name.I personally think this is a sweet, fun, amusing film. Unfortunately its animation quality is not all that good, but the good qualities of the film are replaced with a fantastic narrator (Hugh Laurie), a sweet storyline and lovely characters (even the baddies are entertaining!).An enchanted forest is created when some trees decide to "move up" to a big hill, where they can enjoy the sunshine and a new life. Many creatures move into the new forest and it soon becomes a paradise. Down below, live horrible goblins in a dark, gloomy forest. One night, a young boy comes through the dark, murky forest, running after the pursuing goblins. In the snowy cold of winter, the boy makes his way into the enchanted forest. When he wakes up, he meets the inhabitants and he is called Jack Frost, due to his strange power to make things cold with one touch of his finger...I recommend this to all children, as they will all probably enjoy it, to grown-ups who enjoy stuff that usually only little children watch and to people who like Hugh Laurie. Enjoy "The Tale of Jack Frost"!