The Surrogacy Trap
The Surrogacy Trap
PG | 14 September 2012 (USA)
The Surrogacy Trap Trailers

After losing hope of conceiving a child on their own, Christy and Mitch turn to surrogacy in hopes of creating the perfect family. However, their confidence is quickly shaken when they discover that the young woman might not be as perfect as they first thought...

pointyfilippa The movie runs out of plot and jokes well before the end of a two-hour running time, long for a light comedy.
Claire Dunne One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
phd_travel This lifetime thriller is above average - in fact one of the better ones for the non based on a true story movies. With the recent rise in surrogacy and gestational carriers among the famous the topic is quite current. As expected from the title, a couple use a seemingly perfect surrogate who turns out to want the kid for herself.Rachel Blanchard who reminds of Sarah Paxton is pretty good as the surrogate. Mia Kirshner (why don't we see more of her?) is the biological mom. The acting is good. There are elements of Hand that Rocks the Cradle here. But things are kept fairly realistic for this kind of movie and the plot is not far fetched - it makes it more exciting because it could happen that way.Entertaining.
edwagreen Unable to have a child, a couple, where the husband once cheated, agrees to hire a surrogate to have the child. What they go through with this surrogate is unbelievable. Did anyone ever bother at the agency to check the records of this seemingly innocent, polite girl, who proceeds to turn our couple's life upside down, before ultimately turning violent?Absolutely frightening that something such as this could take place, but in today's world anything is possible.The acting is first rate, especially by the lady playing Mallory, the surrogate. Her descending into ultimate lunacy is amazing to watch on screen.
neo fantomu i saw the last 15min of this movie and i found it to be really awful. the way they negotiated to meet up in the motel. the police would have not left the lady at home by herself crying. also they would have been more sneaky when entering the motel complex.when it goes back to the house the baby monitor is crying, which means the lady snuck into the house upstairs, put the baby their, went back down stairs, and turned on the monitor, i found that really cheesy. the fighting scene was also really weak, the ladies of course not knowing how to fight, but still, they both lost dominant position multiple times, and the dark hair lady came back with a double fist to the back knocking the lady down with the knife, very fake. it ended with the lady being thrown off the balcony which is totally typical. how did she get that much strength to do that, when she couldn't even maintain mount position during their scuffle? rated 1/10
seattleinsider this is a joke right . I think the evil person in this movie is the rich pompous women who pays 35k to the surrogate mother like shes a high class escort. She makes the comment "I'm gonna be a mother with out the baby bump" just prior to her and her husband about to get busy.Later referring to her as a "total stranger carrying our baby". Then does everything in her path to butt her out of her life like shes a used bathroom tissue. I agree the whole surrogate / new mother relationship is odd and am glad there's a film involving this sensitive topic; however, after watching this condescending rich snob act like this towards someone shes paying to "have her baby" just makes me resent "Christie" the women who cannot be pregnant. The Guy is a d-bag but so is every male on lifetime movies. I know "Mallorie" the Surrogate mother is crazy but I don't resent towards her or see her as the Villain. The pompous women who thinks she can buy her baby and make her life better. It was a okay movie worth watching 3/10
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