The Sublet
The Sublet
| 07 November 2015 (USA)
The Sublet Trailers

The Sublet is a suspense driven psychological thriller about Joanna, a new mom coping with her baby alone in an odd sublet apartment. As her husband neglects her to focus on his career, Joanna questions her sanity as she discovers a violent past to the apartment and suspects that the building may be haunted.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
TheLittleSongbird Saw 'Tonight She Comes', being fond of horror regardless of budget (even if not my favourite genre) and being intrigued somewhat by the idea. Being behind on my film watching and reviewing, with a long to watch and review list that keeps getting longer, it took me a while to get round to watching and reviewing it.Giving 'The Sublet' a fair chance with being interest and apprehension, it turned out to be a little better than expected, having seen a lot of bad films recently. Won't say that 'The Sublet' is a great film (mediocre actually) because it isn't and the potential, while not wasted, is not fully lived up to. Considering the large number of films seen recently being mediocre and less and wasting potential, was expecting worse and was relieved that while wanting in a fair few areas it was actually one of my better recent low-budget viewings.'The Sublet' started off quite well, the first part starting the film off on a promising, unsettling and atmospheric note that really does intrigue. Production values did have some eeriness and nowhere near as cheap as expected.The setting is effectively spooky. Initially, there are spooky and suspenseful moments, it isn't dull, and the storytelling initially does intrigue. The acting generally was not bad, Tianna Nori carries the film very well. However, the story was severely wanting in the second half after starting off promisingly. It is very disjointed and after the promising start the final third especially loses atmosphere, one loses interest and things start to not make sense. Too much of the film is vague and doesn't explore some elements enough, some of which go nowhere or serve much point. It also is uneventful too much of the time and the pace drags.Ending is unsatisfying, on top of feeling hasty there are too many loose ends hanging in the air and it all felt abrupt. Got the sense that the writers didn't know how to end the film. Would have liked much more tension and suspense (where there is barely any of either in the latter stages), scares could have been more consistent (again nowhere near enough) and some weren't surprising enough and had no atmosphere, the over-obvious sound not helping. The psychological parts of the story were more odd and undercooked rather than creepy and intriguingFound too the script to lack natural flow and with a fair bit of cheese and blandness going on, and the characters bland with some adopting some annoying and not always logical decision making. There is very little menace or urgency to the conflict and the direction is phoned in.Overall, mediocre. 4/10 Bethany Cox
KevinCoull Well worth a watch, don't let the reviews put you off.
ejuopperi Warning for some small spoilers, nothing important that will ruin.The script was there, but it was done so wrong. This movie could be so much more. It had such a potential but it was all a waste. The acting was poor and dull except from the two main characters who was decent. Some holes in some scenes that made no sense at all. Some of the interesting scenes that got you hooked for a moment did fast disapare thanks to bad writing or acting. I was close to turn the movie off, but decided not to. I do regret it a bit. 1/5 stars
sqdnb just in case anyone is lost in these other 2 reviews. as someone who knows and loves psycho thrillers and shocking horror movies. this movie is not brilliant at all. a good horror movie might just shock well without a good story. this doesn't. you see pictures flying around. knocking over and over again, doors opening, chairs moving. so when you do s**t like this it better be scary or it will later explain the story. but it doesn't all doesn't make sense in so many ways. don't think the acting is bad. i think the directing and writing is bad. seems like they were supposed to behave totally irrational for the scenes. the dialogues wouldn't happen in real life.for the good parts, the screenplay and sound was OK, which doesn't change a bad movie into a good one.for anyone who wants to see real good psycho horror, go watch session 9, orphan or tales of two sisters (korean original). real masterpieces.