The Strange Color of Your Body's Tears
The Strange Color of Your Body's Tears
| 12 August 2013 (USA)
The Strange Color of Your Body's Tears Trailers

A woman vanishes. Her husband inquires into the strange circumstances of her disappearance. Did she leave him? Is she dead? As he goes along searching, he plunges into a world of nightmare and violence...

Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Seraherrera The movie is wonderful and true, an act of love in all its contradictions and complexity
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
carlbrookins There is no ending and no beginning. Missing narrative destroys a film with mesmerizing sequences and images. Not sufficient unless we are simply looking for that, plus a sound track that at several junctures grabs a viewer by the throat.What is so disappointing is the obvious filmic talent on display that goes nowhere. It is difficult to judge the acting because the style obviously demanded by the director is flat and almost entirely one dimensional. There are a few hiccups, such as an unwanted reflection or two, but generally the visual images are powerful, as are some of the sequences. I recommend serious viewers consult a copy of Kraft-Ebbing for a deeper understanding of some of the images.
christopher-underwood Certainly in the spirit of giallo but with the soul of Kafka. No simple narrative flow, not even a regular narrative structure, this visual and aural treat is not the simplest of watches. Always beautiful with continuous references to stained glass, art nouveau, eyes, knives and bared and bleeding flesh, the music and effects are also alluring, evocative and disturbing. A man returns from a business trip to find he cannot find his wife ( Edwige, nudge nudge aficionados! ) and that's about it, unless you count the wondrous building in which the film takes place or the spaces behind the walls. The directing duo are clearly fascinated by the Italian genre films of the 60s and early 70s and deliver up the most sumptuous offering, its just that, not unreasonably, they are less interested in the story lines but more in the more primal elements that go into even the lesser giallo. They love the colours, the sounds, the wide eyed screams and the trickling blood. The confused participants who know not whether they are mad or even dead, cannot help but draw us in to this manic mayhem and those of us who, similarly enjoy this craziness, can only applaud and breathe a sigh of relief we got out alive.
claws-19-106368 Since I saw this one in a cinema (and sat in the middle otherwise I would have left) I had not only to endure the chaotic and annoyingly bad script. I also had to suffer from the annoying sound effects/music at quite a high volume which I think is on purpose. I also had to endure the chaotic visuals which seems to have been made by randomly using different effects to make it "arty".When leaving the cinema I had the feeling I never ever wanted to see another movie again. Now after a good nights sleep I mustered the energy to try to share this horrible experience to help people avoid this "movie", which might be THE worst movie experience I have ever had, but I settle with saying that it is among the worst, even though I cannot recall any worse that I have had.Avoid it.
emeinrath-946-615976 This type of movie has a name : masturbation! A bad mix between Belgian "arty" cinema, Lynch, Cronenberg, … without talent! And most of all without script!This is typical of directors who want to show their visual talent without any idea of a story to tell.And don't get abused, you won't see anything that you haven't before. Even on the visual aspect talent is not a word that concerns that movie. More technical abilities we should say… so what's the point???Yes gentlemen directors of this movie (if we shall call it so); go and see Videodrome! That's a weird visual movie, yes! But it has a script, yes!The worst in all this is that people get money to spend to do that kind of things. It is a BAD thing for Belgian cinema!Avoid!!!
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