The Story of Luke
The Story of Luke
NR | 05 April 2013 (USA)
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Sheltered by his grandparents, Luke, a young man with autism, is thrust into a world that doesn't expect anything from him. But Luke is on a quest for a job and true love. And he isn't taking no for an answer.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
GazerRise Fantastic!
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
theyan-32973 Looked at the beginning, it was intended to give up, feel the actor's acting a bit exaggerated, but he is sensitive to the characteristics of the tension, attracted me, it is like me? Perhaps a lot of people are like this? Until I finished, it's a good story. Some of the details of the move: he is very serious, try to change himself, into the world, to maintain a simple belief, why should change it, you are so good. In reality, some of the plot is not going to happen, but in the movie. Luke is lovely, simple, harmless, direct, normal people who are very difficult to have such a feature, sad.Ps: computer translation. Ha-ha
xlsguru The story takes a true perspective of an autistic mind highlighting the benefits of those with it. Society dictates the limits of those on the spectrum and this film discards those limitations replacing them with a new "lens" to view our limitations as challenges to overcome. The leading actor portrays one side of the autism spectrum very well. Facial expressions or body language was typical of those on spectrum. The simplified view of complicated matters were researched well and written with tact. While the story line is slow at first, it picks up and is worth the wait. Seth Green plays the role of supervisor on the autism spectrum with his typical comedy highlighting some of the humorous behaviors typical of those on the high functioning end. Overall, this story gives a realistic view into one of the autistic worlds that affects so many now.
HeyMimi I posted a very similar review to Amazon as well, so I hope I'm not posting a duplicate review, or breaking any rules here.I chose to watch this movie quite randomly. Fortunately, what I stumbled upon was a beautifully written story, with some really entertaining and funny moments. At the beginning I thought "Oh boy, this is going to be depressing," but it wasn't long before the family dynamics captured my interest. I found Aunt Cindy's character and her reaction to the situation, entirely believable. The evolution of relationships in the family was moving and believable. The kids, Luke's cousins, were wonderfully written and acted.At first, I thought the addition of the Zack character was odd and unlikely. But it got better and better, and added some comic relief to the serious subject matter. The scene observing the "NT's mating rituals" was so dang funny, I rewound and watched it several times. I think choosing Seth Green for the role was genius. He was entirely believable as an oddball guy working for his father's company, and the friendship that developed between Zach and Luke rang true.In the end, there were things left unresolved that I wanted to see: would Zack and Luke get to stay in touch? It seemed like a such a loss for Luke. And the absence of the Mom from the Grandmother's Funeral, and failure of the movie to show the Grandfather's funeral, where she would surely have to make an appearance and face Luke... I don't know. It just seemed like those scenes were avoided because they would be too messy to include. Of course, issues in life don't always get wrapped up in a tidy little 2 hour package, that's real life. But the birth mom at Grandfather's Funeral seemed like part of the story to me.I was so surprised how much I was moved and entertained by this movie. I just had to write a review but I dreaded seeing other reviews. I braced myself for a scathing outcry about the use of the word "retarded" and angry reviews insisting that "The Story of Luke" wasn't a realistic representation of a person with Autism. To my great relief and surprise, nearly everyone seems to love this movie as much as I do. There are very few reviews with anything negative to say. It's not hard to spot planted positive reviews, or "friends of the film" reviews, and I'm not seeing that in the well-deserved, overwhelmingly positive comments. Most people seem to be as impressed with this movie as I was, for it's powerful emotional message and for it's entertainment value. This beautiful movie is a must-see, whether or not you have a family member with a disability.
Dan Morris If you have ever yearned to be 'normal', you will identify with The Story of Luke.I spent time with kids who were autistic and affected by cerebral palsy when I was in the scouts, and I found that they taught me more about what it means to be a person, and to be happy with who I am, and to take joy out of the smaller things in life than I was ever able to teach them about camping or tying damn knots. This film resurfaced so many of these small but critically important lessons about being myself that I learnt from these gentle people at that time.Abandoned by his fearful mother at an early age, Luke's sheltered world is thrown into a spin when his carers, his grandparents, pass away over a cruelly short period of time. It dawns upon him that he should become a man. His moment comes when he realises that to do so is as simple as deciding that things should be thus. It is the quiet dignity he displays as he reassures first himself, and then those around him that he is actually capable of, and also responsible for, making his own happiness in life, which is an inspiration for us all. He decides that he simply needs to "get his sh*t together", and does just that. Brilliantly.I loved this movie. It would take a very jaded soul to not find joy in this story.Please support movies with heart. Please watch The Story of Luke.