The Stink of Flesh
The Stink of Flesh
| 31 May 2005 (USA)
The Stink of Flesh Trailers

Nathan and Dexy struggle to maintain an open marriage after a zombie plague has killed the majority of the population. It's up to Nathan to find survivors to pleasure his wife and hot zombies to satisfy his own lust.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
lastliberal If you don't have a budget for name actors or special effects, then you need a good script. Now, I don't know if I would call Scott Phillips script good, but it was certainly different enough.Matool (Kurly Tlapoyawa) is a Rock look-a-like that doesn't use guns because he says bullets are hard to find. He isn't nailin paylin, he is nailin zombies with a hammer and long nails. Long nails aren't hard to find? Hmmm.He manages to escape and ends up with a strange house full of people - Nathan (Ross Kelly), Dexy (Diva) and Sassy (Kristin Hansen). Nathan likes to watch, so Mandool is soon nailin Dexy, while Sassy spanks him with a plastic ruler.Sassy must be a siamese twin, as she had the face of her sister in her side. Yech! Nathan obviously doesn't have any skin mags, so he keeps a zombie naked and tied up Jesus-like in the shed to visit whenever he needs a kick. Unfortunately, he decides on day that he wants to do more than just look at her decomposing body. Big mistake, Nathan.Some soldiers manage to get to the cabin and soon they are all nailin Dexy. She even manages to get a little lesbian action with a female that shows up.All the while these kinky things are going on the countryside is crawling with zombies.If you like bloody body munching, and kinky sex, then this just might be your thing.
Argwaan All I can really say about this move is that is was OK. Nothing special, but still watchable. The zombies and gore were pretty well done, but the acting was passable for the most part, but the "story" just didn't work for me, although i liked the "forlorn", apocalyptic atmosphere..An attempt was made at being original by putting a lot of sex in the movie, but it didn't work for me (didn't mind it either).(spoiler) And what was up with the little kid? I love plot twists but this one didn't make any sense at all.. there was absolutely no reason for him to turn against everyone... I would probably have liked the movie a lot better if this was explained somewhere.BUT if you're a zombie fan like me any zombie movie is good enough and this one surely delivers on the gore, the most important part of any zombie movie.Rating: 5/10
Mortisha Deluxe This movie is great. Unlike many films of this kind "The Stink of Flesh" is not disturbingly predictable. On the contrary it has everything you don't expect it to have. I've enjoyed acting and dialogues. Each character has it's own interesting personality so you don't get the impression that he's there just to get killed. Music is superb. It goes very well with the action and creates a great climate of this film. I didn't find a single thing I didn't like bout "Stink". I must say that in the beginning I thought it's gonna be another cheap piece of crap but it's not. It's also not like any other horror movie and it's really worth of watching though the ending could have been better (anyway it still has its' charm:)).Mortisha_Deluxe
harryangel13 This is the sleaziest, strangest zombie film I've ever seen in my life. And I've seen plenty of zombie films! Like George Romero cross bred with Tennesee Williams and Sergio Leone. Really cheap and dirty and consistently inventive with some truly great electronic music by Chris Alexander and Carrie Eliza. Does anyone know if this is the SAME Chris Alexander who writes for Rue Morgue magazine? Unlike some people on this board who thought that "the kid" was stupid and unnecessary...haven't any of you seen Flesh for Frankenstein? And I love that the character is named MATOOL...that was the island in Lucio Fulci's ZOMBIE!Anyway, I loved it...but it certainly isn't for all tastes.