The Star Wars Documentaries
The Star Wars Documentaries
| 16 September 2011 (USA)
The Star Wars Documentaries Trailers

Star Warriors(2007, color, approx. 84 minutes) A Conversation with the Masters: The Empire Strikes Back 30 Years Later(2010, color, approx. 25 minutes) Star Wars Spoofs (2011, color, approx. 91 minutes) The Making of Star Wars(1977, color, approx. 49 minutes) SPFX:The Empire Strikes Back (1980, color, approx. 48 minutes) Classic Creatures: Return of the Jedi(1983, color, approx. 48 minutes) Anatomy of a Dewback(1997, color, approx. 26 minutes) Star Wars Tech(2007, color, approx. 46 minutes)

Interesteg What makes it different from others?
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.