The Slaughterhouse Massacre
The Slaughterhouse Massacre
| 28 June 2005 (USA)
The Slaughterhouse Massacre Trailers

Follow the story of several attractive teenagers as they try to have a fun time in a slaughter house after dark...

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Executscan Expected more
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
J-Dawwg Musa Part of me wanted to give this 10/10 simply because, when watching a movie, I want to be entertained, and Jesus Christ did this movie entertain me. So, so much. Obviously not for the reasons they intended, and for that reason I rated it 1/10.This just has to be the worst movie ever created. My Mother bought it for a pound many moons ago at Woolsworths and it became a classic in our house. We rewound several scenes over and over laughing in hysterics, we told friends and family at parties about "the worst movie ever" and eventually we got rid of it (sadly), however I bought a copy on eBay recently for about 50p and we watched it again tonight and it was even worse than we remembered, but we were all in hysterics laughing.Not even gonna bother reviewing the acting, writing, cinematography, direction etc. There was NOTHING cinematically good about this, aside from the fact it was SO bad, it was f*cking brilliant!SICKLE
RiaRagingBull Well, I rated this film 1/10. But I don't know if I should've.On the grounds of quality film-making, this film definitely deserves 1/10. The audio was muffled in places and inconsistent throughout and the editing was very very shoddy with bits of dialogue being chopped short. And the narrative was very strange and incoherent. You have to experience about 30 minutes of bad soft porn and awful acting then withstand what is practically a tour around an old slaughterhouse for half an hour before you even get any attempt at horror. Most of the sequences feel a bit pointless.And what the hell was with the randomly long lesbian sequence? About 10 different shots of the same flipping two women doing the exact same thing?! If you're going to be a bit raunchy then vary it up a bit! The special effects were really quite bad but I'm not complaining. They were hilarious! But did I enjoy the film? I suppose I sort of did. I watched it with my step brother last night and we sat there laughing throughout and genuinely enjoyed the experience of watching it. So I'm not sure if my score of 1/10 is fair. I've rated films that I've enjoyed less, higher because of the better production quality.Overall this film is a very good laugh if you're with friends but if you want to sit down to see a decent film or to get genuinely scared from a film then this is definitely not the one to watch!
Paul Andrews The Slaughterhouse Massacre starts at a Dallas college during 2003 where everyone is about to break up for the spring break, two couples Bobby (Vaedynn Orland) & Tina (Stacey Denson) plus Justin (Maurizio Rasti) & Stacey (Shaila Vaidya) decide to have a party that night. At the party their friend Stoner (Jacob Baily) tells them about an urban myth revolving around a slaughterhouse in the town of Allen in Texas, apparently ten years ago this very night a worker called Marty Sickle (Paul Cagney) was killed by a gang of thugs & if you say his rhyme three times in the slaughterhouse Marty will come back from the dead & kill everyone. Justin & Bobby think it would be fun to take their girlfriends to the slaughterhouse & play a trick on them using the myth, unfortunately for them the myth turns out to be true & before they know it they are running for their lives as the undead Marty kills them one-by-one...Known under the title Sickle here in the UK & in Australia while the Japanese apparently know it as Texas Slaughter this unbearably bad teen slasher was co-produced, written & directed by Paul Gagné & one really does have to say right from the start that The Slaughterhouse Massacre is a terrible film in every single way. To be honest after the first few minutes I thought it could have turned out to be a decent gory slasher, I mean a slasher set in a slaughterhouse has potential right? All the dark mucky corridors, all the animal carcasses & of course all the knives, bone saw's, meat hooks & various equipment used to slaughter & slice up the animals would have made for a great setting. Unfortunately I don't think the film was shot in a real slaughterhouse since it doesn't look like a slaughterhouse & everything about the film is uniformly terrible even for a low budget teen slasher, the character's are awful (after an expensive video camera falls into a tub of muddy water they just leave it, these are the sort of people who can't walk in a straight line with falling over, tripping over something, bumping into something or twisting their ankle & when one finally escapes instead of going for help she heads straight back to the slaughterhouse), the storyline rips-off various other slasher films like the rhyme from A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), the whole say his name three times & he will appear scenario from Candyman (1992) & the whole wise-cracking undead killer from beyond the grave has been done to death. At almost 100 minutes in length the film is also incredibly boring, most viewers will lose the will to live long before the end credits roll, I know I did.The first five minutes or so had potential, first there's the title 'The Slaughterhouse Massacre' which is very evocative. I mean the word 'slaughterhouse' conjures up a place of blood, gore, suffering & death, the word 'massacre' again gives one the impression lots of people are going to die but I wouldn't exactly call four people killed a massacre, would you? Then there's that crazy chick at the start, the very first line of dialogue in the film is some teenage blonde girl saying 'I want to make love where they slaughter all of those animals', right lets just think about that statement. Why would anyone want to have sex in a slaughterhouse? At this point the film should go for a light hearted tone but the whole film takes itself very seriously & it just falls apart because of how moronic it is. The gore levels are disappointing, there's no slaughterhouse footage, two people are cut in half, one vertically the other horizontally, someone gets a sickle in the back, there are a couple of quick decapitations & that's about it.With a supposed budget of about $250,000 The Slaughterhouse Massacere is extremely poorly made, the editing is horrible & it's sometimes impossible to work out whats happening although that could be down to the production team not shooting enough footage. The effects are poor, the cinematography is awful with huge changes in lighting between shots & camera angles which barely let you see anything. The acting is terrible too although the girls look quite nice I suppose.The Slaughterhouse Massacre is a truly terrible film in every conceivable way, there are one or two unintentionally funny moments which made me chuckle but overall sitting through 100 odd minutes of this in one go turned out to be a painful experience. You have been warned.
scottydog_1 this film by far has been the worst one i have watched all year. i have just finished watching it and it was terrible. the special effects were rubbish, the acting was diabolical and the way it was shot was shocking. the only reason why it was an 18 was because of all the scattered breasts at the start of the film. i looked at the case of the film thinking I'm in for a good horror film and then this load of rubbish started to play. me and my friends were watching and laughing at how corny some of the lines. it was utterly predictable you knew who was going to die and who was going to make it. they say never judge a book by its cover, well they were so right with this film, from the case it looked like a good film and then it started to play. do not watch it.
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