For some reason every time I watch this movie feels very deeply and sadness matchless involuntarily tears me out with itself ... does not doubt the quality SORAYA start place, view, view camera is very fitting in the eyes ... and also with a selection of players who are very pass, especially acting Herjunot Ali Zainuddin as it is fit in a movie like this,, best movie for 2014 for me, although I have watched it in 2016For some reason every time I watch this movie feels very deeply and sadness matchless involuntarily tears me out with itself ... does not doubt the quality SORAYA start place, view, view camera is very fitting in the eyes ... and also with a selection of players who are very pass, especially acting Herjunot Ali Zainuddin as it is fit in a movie like this,, best movie for 2014 for me, although I have watched it in 2016
MyMovie Critic
When Zainuddin tells Hayati that he will always love her, just before he is forced to leave her home village and moves to another town, he knows that his love for her is pure and true, and comes from his deepest heart. And when Hayati makes a promise that she will forever wait for him and he will become her husband one day, if not here on earth then in the afterlife, that promise has sealed Zainuddin's heart forever. A promise from a young man and woman deeply in love. A love promise that not only gives Zainuddin hopes to walk into his uncertain pathway ahead, but also defines the happiness of his entire life. A love oath so sacred for him that makes him unable to love another woman. The same promise that makes him suffers for the rest of his life.This is the story about a timeless love and love unrealized. A tragic love story adapted from the mega bestseller novel "Tenggelamnya Kapal van der Wijck" ("Sinking of the van der Wijck"), first published in 1938, written by Buya Hamka, a great and well known Indonesian writer.This is a wonderful and a very well made high budgeted Indonesian movie with such a heart grabbing story. The movie is a real tearjerker, with so many heartbreaking moments. The thing is, even though it has the potentials to become a melodramatic movie, but the film itself doesn't fall into those melodramatic traps. An excellent direction from Sunil Soraya,also acted as the producer, who made a movie so beautiful, poetic and touching, and at the same time feels so extravagant and epic, with the story stays true to the novel and well capturing the main spirit told by the writer in criticizing the certain customs and traditions in the Minangkabau society at that time, such as ethnic and social status discrimination, and forced marriage. Soraya's 5 long years of research and development of this film, including choosing the right casting, really paid off, resulting in an unforgettable motion picture with such great details. Praise also needs to be given to the great screenplay written by Donny Dhirgantoro and Imam Tantowi, filled with so many wonderful and thoughtful dialogues.The acting and characterization is a standout. Herjunot Ali gave a brilliant and the best performance of his career as Zainuddin, delved deep into the soul of his character, with his amazing Makassar accent, as well as his sympathetically posture and expressions that will make the audiences feel and fall for him. He cleverly used his accent with the right timing, sometimes made it sounded a bit funny on purpose, but precisely reflecting his naturally plain good heart and honesty. When he is astonished by Hayati's beauty when he sees her for the very first time, passing through him in a horse-drawn carriage, he makes us feel amazed with him. At the other end, when Zainuddin bursts out all of his emotions and angriness to Hayati near the end of the movie, after years of holding bitterness inside of him, Herjunot strikes and hits us right at heart with the way he says all that, showing us that even though Zainuddin is a good man, but he is also just a human being with heart and pains and emotions. That is the climax and the golden moment of this movie.Pevita Pearce appeared lovely and elegant, shines with her stunning beauty throughout the movie. And I think she gave a pretty good performance as the vulnerable Hayati, a submissive woman who has to put her hopes and dreams under the oppressive culture and traditions of her society, indecisive to choose who's best for her life.While as the three times 'Piala Citra' winner in the Indonesian Film Festival (the Indonesian 'Academy Award'), the talented Reza Rahadian appeared solid and fun to watch as the classy and modern rich guy, but a mean and unfaithful husband Aziz, exploring into his antagonist side.Despite the fictitious story and characters, the background of this movie is actually based on the real historical event, the sinking of the Van der Wijck ship, a luxury Dutch liner that sank in the northern coast of Java island in 28th October 1936. The sinking of the ship itself is actually not the main story of this movie, not taking a long scene time, but it plays as a very important background to the story. The special effects of the sinking ship are not as good and on par as those of the Hollywood's, but that didn't matter, because the essence of this movie is just not that. The technical aspects of this movie are top notch and first-class. From the beautiful sceneries and cinematography, the excellent period set pieces that catch the mood and atmospheres of the Minangkabau's village and town, and the cities of Batavia and Surabaya in the 1930's, the authentic and eye-catching set properties such as the big mansions, the old cars, the antiques and the horse racing stadium, up to the well made designed costumes, including the classy suits and dresses, complete with the stylish hats and fancy sunglasses. The party scene is extravagant and glamorous, with music and singing and dancing. The musical score and songs are great and haunting, capturing well every change of the moods in the movie. Nidji composed beautiful songs for the soundtracks, with the most memorable song "SUMPAH DAN CINTA MATIKU" ("My Death Oath and Love").This movie has a complete package as a superb entertainment with a wonderful story, charming actors with great performances, and other astounding technical aspects that makes us not only see and hear the movie, but also feel the movie. This is a great Indonesian period romantic drama, a truly instant classic that may not come once in every decade. So powerful, epic and breathtaking, and you will know it by your heart. The very best and pride of Indonesian cinema. (MJ)