The Secret Life of Adolf Hitler
The Secret Life of Adolf Hitler
| 12 August 1958 (USA)
The Secret Life of Adolf Hitler Trailers

1950's television documentary special that includes interviews with Hitler's sister Paula Wolf and a fellow prisoner who was incarcerated with Hitler, actual footage shot by the Nazi's and Eva Braun's rare home movies.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Cortechba Overrated
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
oscar-35 *Spoiler/plot- 1958, A young Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler is shown in their casual home movies in Bavaria.*Special Stars- Narrator: ??*Theme- Leaders are just people too.*Trivia/location/goofs- The documentary of home movies from Eva Braun and her friends shot at their home in the Bavarian mountains. Film originally from a TV series.*Emotion- An enjoyable but rather crazy & politically charged film rant about the Hitler personage and his evil empire by the winners of WW2. A bit far fetched.
Michael_Elliott Secret Life of Adolph Hitler, The (1958) ** (out of 4) WW2 made documentary covering the life of Hitler from his early childhood to his final days. I was really looking forward to this film since Hitler's sister and several men who knew him during his final days were interviewed but in the end this turned out to be a major disappointment. Even with the first hand accounts of his life, there's really nothing to learn here as the only thing the documentary keeps saying is how evil he was. We never really learn what might have been behind his evilness and the accounts of his final days is rather dull. Some of Eva Braun's home movies of Hitler are on display here.
hajf And besides this the first part of the movie is just the same we saw 1000 times. But after it we see some home uncommon home videos from Hitler's private life. It's an interesting part of the movie.Just interesting, because we can see, that Adolf Hitler was not a monster or something like this, and allows seeing us some real footage. 60 years after the war, it is worth to see something, which is not just 100% war propaganda. (Only 80% is war propaganda first of all the audio).We see some home movies, which show Hitler and his wife's life. It's worth a look for those wanting a different take in a Hitler biography.
Kenneth Eagle Spirit Which thing surprised me. For the most part people like Adolf Hitler are referred to by others as "monsters". I understand that we do this in an effort to disassociate these others from us, thus making us immune. We believe that WE could never do such things. Only someone, some THING, other than human could commit such atrocities. This documentary is striking in that Hitler, and those around him, are treated in a very human manner. Given that its production was so soon after the war, and considering that a great many of the people who would have viewed this in '58 would've been in their 30s and 40s and WWII veterans, makes the treatment and mentality all the more surprising to me. Aside from this "The Secret Life of Adolf Hitler" is also scary in many respects. The interviews strike home in a very strange and terrifying way. The words, chosen with what seems so much care, would seem to indicate that these people were still worshiping their national hero and that he would always be for them their "beloved Leader". Put together almost completely of REAL footage, I only saw one short part that looked staged for the documentary itself. All factual, all straightforward, all human, all the more frightening.