The Scientist
The Scientist
R | 16 April 2010 (USA)
The Scientist Trailers

A reclusive physicist creates an infinite-energy machine in his basement that changes his life and all those around him.

SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Dallas Keever The premise behind the machine the scientist creates revolves around contacting people once they are dead. The machine constructed is an exact replica of Eric Dollard's Cosmic Induction Generator (CIG) that is used to harness the free flowing electrical induction that is all around us, known as Zero point energy, Orgone, Ether, etc.In the movie the wound co-axial coils can clearly be seen on either side of the machine, with an magnetic rotary wheel in the middle where the induction is centralized. Replacing the wheel with a vacuum tube would create a galaxy like formation within the tube if placed within the coils.All of this information is just now becoming popularized with the emergence of Electric Universe cosmology, to include people like "SuspicousObervers", Dollard, Arron of Energetic forums, and many more who are shining the light of the flaws of relativity brought to us by the plagiarism of Einstein even though he was well meaning. This is even discussed in the film at the local bar segment.But, as the movie goes on to show, some things are not meant to be known, nor tampered with.
sixbells99 From the first line in the film it's clear that its trying to give its audience a DEEP metaphysical cerebral experience. The film starts with the actors looking serious, and spooning out deep dialogue about life the world and everything. The kind of stuff stoned first year philosophy students belch out on a Saturday night. As the film progresses we see the actors looking even more serious. The climax of the film is every actor looking serious even the birds seem to have a deep introspective stare. Lets not forget the little whirring machine that appears to be at the heart of it all. I don't know what it does, its never explained, but its DEEP and its serious so that should enough also it spins and whirrs, and that is about as scientific as the film gets.If you're looking for a film where actors stare a lot and look serious, no plot and incomprehensible dialogue, then you've found the perfect film. Personally for me watching paint dry seems like a roller coaster ride compared to watching this. Oh by the way its go nothing to do with science, the guy is a scientist but might as well be a Russian acrobat.
JoeSkoal I stayed with the movie waiting for a glimpse of real to life theory. I was under the impression , based on the beginning of the movie, that this would bring to life theories that Einstein had with the after life. This movie missed it completely making it a total let down of the magic of SciFi movies. I had to keep adjusting the volume, this always makes me want to slap whoever is in charge of the sound track. You cant hear whispers and the music was way over the top in dB. I as well, walk out of theater when that happens and always get a refund. Very difficult to understand exactly what was happening when he turns on the "infinite-energy machine" Why is it called an infinite-energy machine in the review? This was not a movie about green energy but quantum physics... more confusion. Wait, there is more..."a higher level of consciousness?" Change the title to "Fruit Salad Science"
Sterling Allan Back in July, Gypsyhouse Entertainment sent me the DVD ''The Scientist'', by Zack LeBeau, to review. It's about a reclusive physicist who creates an infinite-energy machine in his basement that changes his life and all those around him.Unfortunately, the DVD got lost in a stack of stuff piling up next to my desk until I cleaned up the stack a couple of days ago; at which point I decided to watch it, rather than put it off any longer.I usually have my laptop open when I watch movies so I can multi-task, depending on how much I get into the plot of the movie. But this movie had me every second. After about ten minutes I just closed my laptop and turned off the lights (which I usually keep on to see the keyboard).I was expecting a B-rate movie, which probably contributed to how much I ended up liking the movie. If you over-rate a movie, even a great movie can be a let-down – and vise versa.The film had a lot of things that captured my interest: metaphysical mystery, eccentric inventor struggling with his personal life, caring neighbors and friends, exotic energy device, healing via the device, time travel, mainstream vs. fringe science, synchronistic events, ESP, inter dimensional stuff.The cinematography was brilliant, the way the camera angles and starts and stops were executed. It had my brain and heart on the edges of their seats. The portrayal of the device was awesome: spinning, shining, with mini-lightning sparks pulsating.The subtitle of the film, on the top of the cover: "What do you think happens when you die?" doesn't seem to be very fitting for the actual contents of the film, though that concept was touched on.I would definitely recommend it to you, and I think it will appeal equally to males and females, having elements for both.It's great metaphysical food. But don't build up your expectations too high. Just watch it, and enjoy.