The Satanist
The Satanist
| 20 June 1968 (USA)
The Satanist Trailers

A young couple's marriage becomes threatened when an attractive female occultist enters their lives, enticing them into a strange world of drugs, sex, and satanic rites.

Bereamic Awesome Movie
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
metalgodalex I will talk about this film with a more personal than professional character. When I found myself in front of this film I was hoping for something much more horror and from the poster I would have expected a kind of The Rosemary's baby in an underground version but it was not, however, since the film is a narration of an experience (not I will make more spoilers for those who want to see the film) lived by the main protagonist who is eventually taken for crazy, as all the result of his imagination. On balance I must say that I was disappointed that my expectations were almost all missed, but The Satanist proves to be dark enough, between a nice pair of tits and the other, and psychedelic rock definitely helps to get to the end of this long, and otherwise pallid, monologue. Another flaw far from indifferent is probably due to the budget, some scenes have been made in economics and do not make the idea decisive, or at least try, but become ridiculous (like a bacchanal orgy with four cats). Well then, but not very well.Idea: 7.5/10 Acting: 4/10 Soundtrack: 8/10 Special effects: 5/10 Costumes: 3/10 Photograph: 7/10 Direction: 6.5/10TOTAL: 4.7/10
Michael_Elliott The Satanist (1968)* 1/2 (out of 4)A novelist has a nervous breakdown so his doctor recommends a vacation away from everything. He takes his wife to a house where they meet another woman who just happens to be a satanist and soon she has wicked plans for the husband and wife.THE SATANIST comes from director Zoltan G. Spencer and is probably best remembered for being lost for several decades before a print turned up in 2014. If you're not familiar with Spencer's work then he basically made a handful of softcore titles, the type that would be released by Something Weird Video. This film here has a lot of press behind it when it was found but sadly the end result isn't all that good. Still, it's always great whenever any lost film turns up.The greatest thing about this movie is the fact that it clocks in at just 61-minutes. That's actually a bit too long because there's not much going on here. Basically there are a bunch of softcore sex scenes that are never erotic and they really lack much of a bite. All of these scenes are pretty much drawn out and after a while we get some narration (the film was shot without sound) to try and explain any sort of plot.The best thing about the picture are the beautiful women who were apparently picked for their parts because of their breast sizes. THE SATANIST isn't a good movie but if you're a fan of these type of low-budget sex pictures then you'll probably want to watch it but just don't go into it with high expectations.
Dan Tabor The Satanist is a nudie cutie told through the guise of a moral tale about a pair of Newlyweds who leave the city for the country only to end up next door to a very beautiful, buxom Satanist. The husband of course is seduced by her and becomes obsessed with the woman after she gives him a spellbook. Eventually they couple figures out this strange woman could possibly be trouble, but are too polite to turn down an invite from her for a special get together on the Sabbath.This beautifully shot oddity was produced right before films like this ended up going all the way. That and the fact that this film was shot in black and white was basically a death sentence for strange little film clocking in at barely over an hour. The Satanist was another favorite of the fest because the film was very well crafted for what it was and by the time the newlyweds end up at the party, which turns out to be a ritual the ending doesn't disappoint.
RobT1031 "The Satanist" is an ultra obscure 1968 sexploitation film directed by Zoltan Spencer, that was lost for decades until resurfacing earlier this year, courtesy of Exhumed Films. The rediscovered print was projected at their "Forgotten Film Festival" on July 20th.I could be wrong, but I think this was the first sexploitation film to include satanism as a subtext. The comprehensive book, "The Satanic Screen", doesn't even mention this film.Since this was 1968, there is no explicit sex, but abundant nudity, mostly topless.The film opens with a couple making out in a car; a second woman appears in the darkness, then the woman in the car apparently kills the man (he falls backwards at her touch). She exits the car and walks away with the other woman.Middle Eastern-type music plays on the soundtrack (played on a viola credited to "Moe"), then the title card "The Satanist" appears, with smoke and burning of the title.A prologue informs us that "the events of this film are based upon annals of witchcraft as practiced in ancient times....and today".We then see a bespectacled man in a wheelchair address the audience:"Perhaps I am mad. Maybe you can help decide whether my story happened or is the product of an incurably sick mind".The man and his wife are seen driving their car, and hit a woman riding a bike. She isn't injured, invites them to her house, and gives them a book on the occult, and invites them to be 'guests of honor' later that evening.The events that follow include the wife attempting to return the book and witnessing the "witch" make a magic circle with salt and candles, the husband having an erotic dream involving the witch, and returning to the house at night and watching through the window as a succubus makes love to the witch and changes from female to male.Finally, the time comes for them to be guests of honor, and they return to the house and find other guests wearing hooded robes and masks. The succubus passes out drinks, and does an erotic nude dance while the husband and wife watch.The husband is tied up and forced to watch as the leader of the group dons a baphomet mask, and molests his wife. This leads to an orgy among the cult members.The epilogue shows the husband again:"The road back to sanity is a rough one. Now with help, I was finally able to see what happened was only a nightmare..."We then see that the witch was actually his psychiatrist, and the man tells us that his wife and psychiatrist are close friends and are planning a homecoming for him...on the Sabbath.This an interesting film, made at a time when satanism was becoming chic, and opened the door for other similarly-themed adult films in the 70s like "Suburban Satanist", "Angel Above, Devil Below", and "The Devil Inside Her".