The Samurai
The Samurai
NR | 19 April 2014 (USA)
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Jakob, a young policeman from a remote village, has his world unhinged when a stranger in a dress emerges from the forest and begins killing villagers with a sword.

Palaest recommended
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Yash Wade Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
trashgang I had difficulties in the beginning with this flick. I didn't get it and it took a while before the action do comes in. It isn't a straight horror it's more of a psychological flick about who one crazy person, the samurai, can get into the mind of a cop. Slowly the cop will get involved into the actions of the samurai and towards the end you will know what will happen to both of them. I can't say that this is for everybody out there because it do has an homo-erotic feeling over it and it even has male nudity with an erection so some will be offended by that too. The gore attached towards the story isn't shown in a normal way, It has an arty way of showing it. So again on that part some will turn it off but I must say that the first minutes I was thinking to turn it off but somehow I kept watching and clocking in at 75 minutes it worked out fine. Gore 1/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 2/5 Story 2,5/5 Comedy 0/5
innerboyka The description of this film (a police officer encounters a woman with a sword running around killing people) sounded dumb, but despite my better judgment, I wasted an hour and a half on this schlock. This film is by parts horror, suspense, and drama, and sadly fails at each one. The protagonist is Jakob, a somewhat mild mannered cop who is trying to deal with the rash of wolf attacks/sightings in his small town. He puts out meat for the wolf in an attempt to keep the wolves at bay (which as one man points out is stupid since what will happen when Jakob ceases to put the meat out). Little does Jakob know, but his putting out the meat has somehow summoned a man who dresses as a woman and has a long samurai sword with which he slices and dices up half the town it seems. Compounding the stupidity of the plot is the fact that Jakob gets a package in the mail which he nerves opens until he gets a phone call from a mysterious stranger who tells him the package is his. Jakob delivers the package in the middle of night to, you guessed it, the man/woman and the package contains the samurai sword. Half hour is spent with Jakob as he chases the sword wielding he/she (all without any other cops responding). The taunting dialog seems to suggest that at some point there will be some interesting revelation: maybe the samurai is Jakob's alter ego or something? But in the end, the denouement spirals into some homo erotic type of ambiguous ending that makes no sense. Anyhow, save yourself the time and agony and pass on this one.
kosmasp Watching the movie at Frightfest where it generally played better than my vote is displaying, it feels weird talking about it. Shot-wise, that is framing and lighting and everything technical is really exceptional. Especially considering this is only a first time effort (and for the "budget" it was made).But actually understanding the performances (language-wise) and getting that there are quite a few flaws in the acting department takes a bit out of the fun. You also have to have a keen sense of the absurd to really enjoy it. It doesn't hurt if you are not too judgmental either considering the homo-erotic undertones (actually you can say they are not so subtle) in the movie. Something that helps the movie, but due to the "performances" also kind of lets it down (if you have an issue with the ... issue it'll be a letdown either way). Just watching it and getting the essence from the subtitles might be helpful enjoying this more of course. Which many celebrities at Frightfest did. Also the director is a very nice and humble person. And with a festival success like that, he'll be able to do something grander
editor-simon I just saw this film at the Frightfest London, and it is certainly one of best films in this year's selection. Very interesting characters and a story that is captivating but remains unclear and unresolved in just the right way. Pit Bukowski starring in the title role as the "samurai" is one of the most enigmatic movie villains I have seen in a while. The director said that "The Hitcher" is one of his main influences and this certainly shows. So if you want to see a horror film with a little more substance that the average "Slasher Flick" seek this one out. I am amazed that this was done in Germany. The mostly state-financed film scene there normally creates a lot of "worthy" films that focus on social relevance above everything else. This film definitely brights some fresh air into German filmmaking and I hope it makes it into international distribution.