The Saint Meets the Tiger
The Saint Meets the Tiger
NR | 29 July 1943 (USA)
The Saint Meets the Tiger Trailers

A man murdered at the Saint's doorstep manages to utter a few words to Simon Templar before he dies, sending him off to the quaint resort village of Baycombe where he confronts crime mastermind 'The Tiger' and his gang as they plan to smuggle gold bullion out of the country.

Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Protraph Lack of good storyline.
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Michael_Elliott Saint Meets the Tiger, The (1941) ** (out of 4) Eighth and final film of the original series switched from RKO over to Republic. This time out The Saint (Hugh Sinclair) gets involved with a gang of gold thieves who will stop at nothing to keep their riches. This entry is certainly better made than the previous film but in the end it still doesn't work too well. Once again, we've got a pretty interesting story to follow but sadly there's really no excitement and never any sense of real danger going on. This film also has a lot more comic relief than previous entries but, again, none of it really comes off too well. I think Sinclair is a lot better here than he was in the previous film as he manages to make the best scenes in the movie. The supporting cast are all pretty forgettable, which is another downside to this series as they never really had any good character actors working in them. Having now seen all of the films in the series I must say that overall this was the least interesting of them all. I think Holmes, Chan, Boston Blackie, The Falcon and the Crime Doctor all were better series and this one here, to me, ranks at the bottom. I know this series has a strong following but it just didn't cut it for me.
Neil Doyle This entry begins with an intriguing opening--a man is found dead on Simon's doorstep and immediately Simon calls an inspector who, as usual, suspects Simon is holding out and knows more than he cares to reveal about the murder of a well-known bookie. Inspector Teal also has a confrontational moment with Simon's innocent butler."But I don't know anything," says Simon's butler."If you say that again, I'll arrest you on suspicion." Simon refers to his butler as a man who "sees the world through crime-colored glasses." The attempts at humor are as dull as the script.Unfortunately, HUGH SINCLAIR as "The Saint", has none of the charisma of either a George Sanders or a Tom Conway, which is a huge drawback and JEAN GILLIE is so-so as the romantic interest. Her instant dislike of Simon is a bit overdone. "I didn't recognize you without your halo," she tells him by way of apology.Nothing much happens that hasn't happened in a dozen other "Saint" movies as Simon attempts to find stolen gold and expose a crime boss called The Tiger. "Crooks work in the most select circles these days," he says, on the trail of gold thieves, while he moves through upper crust society.Once again, Inspector Teal comes close to arresting Simon for murder in a cat-and-mouse game. All the other familiar ingredients are here too, with Simon making escapes from the bad guys in incredible fashion. But I was already weary of the plot by the time it got to the smuggler's cave of gold. The revelation of The Tiger is only a modest surprise.Summing up: Moves quickly, but only moderately satisfying for "Saint" fans.
Panamint "The Saint Meets The Tiger" features competent British acting circa 1940's but is just not up to the high expectations you might have after seeing the George Sanders "Saint" series.There is nothing really wrong with Hugh Sinclair's acting but it seems he would be more suited for one of those tough British wartime roles as a heroic commander or something like that. He is more in the strong military or policeman mold rather than the suave Saint type as personified by the smooth, charismatic Sanders. Jean Gillie is cute and youthfully energetic as the female lead and does a fine job of perking up this movie.The overall story is outstanding as the Saint is on the trail of a crime ring and coyly infiltrates the inner workings of a small coastal town to look for stolen gold. I don't regard this movie as slow, but you could consider it methodical and geared for mystery/crime fans, and competently directed and plotted to showcase the well-conceived story.If you are expecting an example of beautiful 1940's black-and-white cinematography you won't find it here. The movie seems more "grey-and-white", at least the print of it I saw on TV. A shame.Die-hard Saint fans should be satisfied as the movie seems to make a great effort to remain true to its book-series roots.
jetan Ultra lightweight movie almost floats away. Jean Gillie is fine as Pat Holm (borrowed from the very early Saint novels), but Hugh Sinclair suffers compared to the more magnetic George Sanders and lacks the vocal charm of Vincent Price's radio Saint. One of the appealing things about the Simon Templar character was the suspicion that he was only on the side of the good guys for as long as it would prove profitable. None of this comes through in this Republic effort, though the production values are reasonably high.