The Runner
The Runner
| 09 September 1999 (USA)
The Runner Trailers

A compulsive gambler finds his new family's safety seriously threatened by a ruthless gambling boss.

FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
flimbuff As well as games is what wealthy, high roller "Deep Throat", Goodman, does. He chooses Joey Harrington, a down on his luck compulsive gambler for his latest foil. Harrington, well played by Ron Eldard, is a given a large salary to act as Goodman's "runner" with only three provisos. He is not allowed to personally gamble, he is never to touch Goodman's money and he is never allowed to tell anyone who or what Goodman is betting on.Along the way Harrington falls for casino waitress Katrina, nicely played by Cox/Arquette and sees the chance for a big score if he breaks one of his employment conditions. Well obviously he falls victim to the black jack table and breaks his deal with "Deep Throat" who has some unusual means of dealing with those who break their personal agreements with him.This is just another simple morality play but it is well paced and nice acted but Goodman is miscast and the ending is rather "hokey".Don't go out of your way for this one, but don't turn it off if you know what I mean.
dewdrop1648 My friends and I being huge Courteney Cox Arquette fans bought (it was actually cheeper to buy than to rent) this movie just because it had her in it and cause David Arquette had a cameo. But after watching it I was glad I had bought The Runner so I could watch it over and over again. This movie is very suspenseful, dramatic, and even has some laughs mixed in. While the movie was playing we found ourselves yelling at the screen and even crying near the end when there is fear of a death(for you who have seen the movie know which scene I'm talking about). Also when the movie is over it seems to haunt you and makes you think. Not very many movies have had that effect on me. The actors in the movie made it what it is. Really great performances by all. Ron Eldard(who I remember from ER)did a great job of portraying a hopeless gambler who just wants to fix his life. John Goodman who is normally a hilarious guy(such as in Roseanne) took a turn to the dark side in this movie and creeped me out! If I saw him today on the street I would probably say "You scare me". But that just means he is an actor who can play any character very well. Lastly, Courteney Cox Arquette I think steals the whole movie. This isn't just because she is my favorite actress. More than likely anyone who will see this will think "wow she's good in this". That's because most people only know her from Friends and don't know that sitcom actors can act dramatic,and well at that. So to sum it up, if you havent seen this movie you should.
highheadblues77 I got this movie for free from a clerk at Blockbuster who had more than he could handle. After about two months i remembered i had it and popped it on. What a great surprise of a film. It held my intrest from start to finish. The idea of this movie is nothing new but the story is very original, i think. There are moments of great suspense. The ending had me on the egde of my seat. ****Spoiler**** The scene where he goes to the black jack table to win back the money was simply fantastic. To win it all and have his life back only to lose in a matter of seconds makes you feel so bad for this guy while at the same time screaming at him to stop! This may not be a Grade-A Hollywood film but it proves to show you what can happen with a top cast and a great story to tell. Courtney Cox wasnt as translucent at she usually is which was nice. John Goodman was good as the evil one, well in a movie like this evil is all around. Ill give this movie an 9...great story.
tpendleton This is a movie about making bad decisions. Ed continually gets himself in trouble because he can never make a right decision. Every time he puts himself in a position of getting out of a jam, he puts himself in a deeper jam by making another poor decision. I got so frustrated by Ed's actions that I found myself jumping up and down in front of my TV screaming at it. If anyone wants to learn a lesson or two about the consequences of your actions, this is the movie for you.