The Roller Blade Seven
The Roller Blade Seven
R | 06 September 1991 (USA)
The Roller Blade Seven Trailers

In a futuristic society, a sword-wielding roller skater fights evil ninjas, punk roller skaters and is sent on an important rescue mission.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
GazerRise Fantastic!
Micransix Crappy film
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Aki Savolainen For once I'm almost lost for words. This "film" is an incomprehensible mess even for a battle-hardened b-fan like myself. Any adjective I can think to describe this piece is unavoidably followed by an addendum "of the worst kind". Amateurish. Trippy. Inexcusable. I really hope the makers of Roller Blade Seven had fun, because I certainly did not.Reading through the other reviews I feel like preaching to the choir here. Even though some have taken it upon themselves to call this garbage artistic or non-traditional, even revolutionary (judging by their profiles they are true DGJ devotees), there does still exist a line between having your own unique voice in art and falling extremely flat while trying to be "artsy". For the benefit of film as a form of art and entertainment and as a warning to those aspiring to partake in the process of creating films we should call spade a spade here and give the nauseating misuse of stock called Roller Blade Seven the loathing it deserves.Trying to dissect this film is borderline impossible, as everything on both sides of the camera seems to be so irredeemably off. It has no place in a theatre, home collection, and even for a low-budget museum of post-modern art it would be like a bird dropping in a cappuccino. How this hideous miscreant has escaped to be viewable by the public oblivious to the horrors they're about to witness I do not know.Heed the warnings and avoid this mess that unashamedly calls itself a movie at all costs.
jimevarts Some items of note: A man in a suit jacket (no shirt), top hat, speedo and knee pads is doing tai chi in the middle of the desert when a bad Elvis impersonator shows up and has a nonsensical "conversation" with him.An invisible man (or woman?) plays the banjo to an evil clown wearing pantaloons. You'd think this would be funny, but it's just depressing.Scott Shaw, a very poor man's Nicolas Cage, tries to do Shatner, but comes across more like a kindergartner with a learning disability.Once in a while, you kind of get the sense that something is happening.You can never understand what anyone is saying because it sounds like construction was going on during filming. Except when Scott Shaw talks. Because he says one word every 5 seconds.Half of the movie takes place in the LA Aqueduct. Evil pantaloon clown awkwardly and fecklessly strikes a heavily-armored ninja guy with Nerf bats for a few minutes.It's LARPing on rollerblades.The soundtrack alternates between an off-balance washing machine and the drum tracks on a Hammond organ.The real star of this movie is Allison Chase's backside.All this, and it still manages to seem pretentious.
mooncat335 My house mate and I foolishly purchased the video of 'The Roller Blade Seven' from our local second hand video shop in the hope of finding a bad film to laugh at. This film isn't even laughable, it's pathetically poor, worse even than Jack Frost 2-and that's saying something. The script, acting, production, stunts, sound, sets, everything is absolutely terrible. In some parts the actors haven't even learned their lines and are blatantly ad-libbing or in one case actually having the lines read to them off set and simply repeating them. Set in the post apocalyptic 'Wheel Zone',The film obviously consists of about 45 minutes of film, many parts of which are edited badly or repeated ad nauseum from various different camera angles to make the film longer. This gets tedious very quickly. The plot makes no sense whatsoever (It is apparently an amalgam of two books written by Scott Shaw), there aren't even seven of them, most of them aren't on blades, they're wearing roller boots, and it seems to me that mostly the film has been completely sold on the fact that there's about 3 minutes of female semi-nudity in it. The writer and star Scott Shaw obviously fancies himself somewhat of a Samurai and throughout the film performs some very poor stunts and made up sword fighting moves that look massively amateurish. Despite all this, his website states that the film should never be compared to a traditional film because it really pushes the boundaries of modern film making. My house mate and I were left speechless by the whole ordeal, and despite my frequent attempts to burn the videotape, she has decided it may be some kind of Ring-esquire video curse that needs to be passed on. If you see the video in stores, take it from me! Leave well alone!
domhimma A post-apocalyptic warrior goes off to save some kind of Nun and on the way meets some cyber-punks on skates who want to kick his ass. This is one of the hardest to watch films ever, There are scenes with silence that seems to last hours before somebody comes out with the next badly written, badly acted line. There are action sequences that keep repeating - and we're not talking the quickfire 1-2-3 action repeat on a particularly good kick that was made popular by eastern directors, we're talking many, many repeats of long, bad fight sequences. This is incredibly confusing at first but then quickly becomes annoying as you're watching a 30 second sequence for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th time. Any kind of plot or vision is lost within the confusing continuity, the only thing thats keeps this film in the videoplayer (apart from the bet from a friend that i couldn't watch it all the way through without begging for it to be turned off and disposed off safely so it may harm no-one else) is the fact that although painful, this film is unintentionally hilarious, i'm not at all a fan of those "so bad that it's funny" type of films but at parts i was in tears. Other points to note are the quality of the sound and picture but this is forgiveable as it's obvious money was a major problem in the making of this film. Final verdict - King of the "so bad they're funny" genre, anybody having that kind of genre video night should get themselves a copy. Also lets not forget that it is actually the worst film i've ever seen.