The Reflecting Pool
The Reflecting Pool
| 04 July 2008 (USA)
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An investigation of the 9/11 events by a Russian-American journalist and a father of a 9/11 victim implicates the US government in the attacks.

Wordiezett So much average
Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
truerae88 Professor Steve Jones of BYU was fired due to his meticulous and accurately scientific findings of demolition explosive material in the ash acquired by residents of New York! 9/11 was an inside job and I am so very happy that the truth is coming forth. I have a friend who wrote a fiction book based on a vision before 9/11 ever occurred that contained information that this was an inside job to ensure a money-making "war on terrorism" (See "Iraq for Sale: the War-Profiteers" for the billions of dollars made on wars!)! I am so glad that there are patriotic Americans who do NOT ignore the truth and are valiant to proclaim the truth rather than seeking money and status quo! All guilty parties for the inside-job of 9/11 will rot in hell as you cannot take money and power with you. This was an extremely GREAT movie with a most IMPORTANT message, "Everything checks out" in this movie! It makes sense which does determine truth! Why do people believe lies when the truth is staring you right in your face?
Roald Pettersen We will never know for sure who was behind the assassination of JFK. We will never know for sure what really happened in Roswell. And we will definitely never know what really happened on 9/11. The U.S. is what it has always been. If this really was a conspiracy, it will long since have been so well covered up that not even Washington Post can disclose it.After all the conspiracy theories (they even have their own websites), this film was a great disappointment with just a repetition of some highlights. It does not even attempt to make any dramatization. There are no effects; just two middle-aged men talking to each other and interviewing some chosen people.A bad thing about America is that Watergate could happen at all. A good thing is that it was exposed. And that it inspired films like "All the President's Men", "Nixon" and "Wag the Dog".
sszucker an excellent dramatic investigation of one of the most horrific and avoidable tragic incidents of modern times.The movie asks the most basic questions not covered by the press or official report.Why did the building collapse so rapidly and in such a controlled manner into their own footprint? Even the one not hit by an airplane? Why did the pentagon suffer so little damage after an entire 747 plunged into it? Why is there so little wreckage or bodies recovered? This is a well acted, terse and no nonsense directed film that belies its meager budget. A dedicated group of professionals must have been behind this film.Go see it. Tell your friends to see it and remember that most official versions of political reality rarely are any better than the worst conspiracy theory.
jimcirile "The Reflecting Pool" may just be the "All the President's Men" of our time. No, it doesn't have Hoffman and Redford. But it is a gripping, chilling and important fact-based investigative drama. Writer/director Jarek Kupsc ("Slumberland") stars as Alex Prokop, a successful hard-hitting Russian/American journalist. As a last gasp before corporate takeover, his editor (Lisa Black) hands Prokop a bombshell assignment -- investigate the official version of 9-11. Prokop, dismissive of 9-11 skeptics, reluctantly teams with grieving father Paul Cooper (the outstanding Joseph Culp) to investigate. After losing his daughter in the attacks, Cooper transformed himself into a 9-11 expert -- at the expense of his marriage. As Prokop and Cooper kick at the hornets' nest, a sickening, carefully orchestrated pattern of deceit emerges – and Prokop finds publishing the story may mean curtains on his career.The well-researched (and exhaustively documented on the DVD) thriller ultimately proves more compelling than 9-11-themed documentaries such as "Loose Change" by taking a narrative approach and by personalizing the story. Disbelieving investigative reporter Prokop is an effective audience surrogate, while the passionate, fragile and self-destructive Cooper grounds the story with heart and soul -- a constant reminder of the human cost of the "war on terror." The script is solid, the characterizations moving. If the film has a flaw, it's in trying to document so much evidence in a narrative structure. Yet by and large, it pulls it off to deliver a chilling and effective message – maybe it *can* happen here."The Reflecting Pool" that will open eyes, anger some and test the faith of others. But it also finally gives voice to the 48% of Americans distrustful the official 9-11 story, according to a recent Zogby poll. And it's a tour de force from writer/director/actor Jarek Kupsc. See it and draw your own conclusions.