The Red Dragon
The Red Dragon
NR | 01 August 1945 (USA)
The Red Dragon Trailers

Chan is faced with suspects in a stolen atomic bomb formula case, that are being killed with bullets that are not fired from a gun.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
gridoon2018 "Red Dragon" is one of the better Monogram entries in the Charlie Chan series, because it presents a genuinely puzzling enigma (one shot, two gun), and also has one of the most likable inspectors whom Chan has ever worked with (there is a mutual respect between them, and he doesn't speak with an overdone Mexican accent for comic effect). But Chan has no witty lines, and the killer seems to be picked out of a lottery - there is no logic that would lead Chan, or the viewer, to this particular conclusion. ** out of 4.
Hitchcoc A man who has knowledge of a new element that will be used to create an enormous A- bomb is killed as he talks to a group of people who late become suspects. Since this is a matter of national security, our famous detective is called to the scene. Of course, one of his sons is there and so is Chattanooga Brown, the cousin of Birmingham Brown (the Mantan Moreland character). Because there is no identifying the bullet through ballistics, things get kind of hairy. Most of the suspects are spies or others who have done some evil dealings in the past. Soon, murders are being committed. Sometimes the humor gets in the way . Can one imagine something as serious as a nuclear weapon being created as these guys bumble around. Nevertheless, it still has some charm.
bkoganbing Some bad science characterizes this Monogram Charlie Chan feature with Sidney Toler. The other thing that characterizes this film is the temporary absence of chauffeur Birmingham Brown on vacation to be sure. Mantan Moreland is replaced as Chan chauffeur by Willie Best, another member of the Brown family who hails from Chattanooga.Charlie, Chattanooga, and son Benson Fong as Tommy Chan are in Mexico City on a case. Charlie was to meet a contact there who was murdered an hour before meeting Chan and Mexican detective Fortunio Bonanova is there to break the bad news. Two more murders occur before this is all solved. I do have to say that the weapon used is quite a unique gadget, firing bullets, but hardly from a traditional gun. Of course you have to get up close and personal with your target before moving a distance away to fire the weapon. And no guarantee as to how the bullet will be aimed. You'll have to see the film to know what I mean.Originality in weaponry is one thing, but the science is appalling here. The object of the Chan search is some hidden document noting a discovery of an unknown atomic element of a higher grade than Neptunium or Plutonium which they say were discovered during the Manhattan Project Research. Not so, not so at all, but I imagine few physicists went to see Monogram Pictures.Such sinister types as Charles Trowbridge, Don Costello, Barton Yarborough, George Meeker, and Marjorie Hoshelle are around and with enough mysterious background to have everyone looking twice. Marjorie Hoshelle later married Jeff Chandler, here she's the mysterious Countess Irena, fake royalty, but good nightclub singer.The Red Dragon shows the decline in quality when the Charlie Chan series went to Monogram, still even with the bad science it's hardly the worst one out there.
xnet95 Sometimes I dread watching some of the later Monogram Chan's, but this one was a pleasure to watch. It's a friendly Chan that's easy to digest. The story is not convoluted with so many twists and turns that you need to take notes to follow the story. This one's pretty basic. Atom bomb secrets are stolen in Checkoslovakia and end up in Mexico City. A secret govt. agent who is watching the thief gets murdered in a mysterious way - one gun shot is heard, but two bullets are found. There are a group of suspects for the murder, and they're all looking for the secret papers. It's Charlie's job to find the papers first, and then find the murderer.I like the clue the govt. agent leaves on the typewriter as he is dying. It's fun trying to figure out what the message means. If you can do it the first time you watch this flick, you are smarter than me. The way the people are murdered is pretty ingenious, which adds to the mystery. Also, I liked the fact that Chattanooga and #3 son had limited roles in this flick. The focus of these movies should be Charlie and the mystery he is trying to solve, but too many times the mood is destroyed in the name of comedy relief. Thankfully, Red Dragon doesn't have much of that. Another nice aspect was the amount of sets and locations. It helped give the movie a nice flow - it never got bogged down or boring. Sometimes these cheap Monogram's seem claustrophobic, slow, and boring, but this one bounced all around the city.I read that the original running time for this movie was 64 minutes, but the one I watched last night was a hair under 59 minutes. This was a hard one to track down. It didn't seem like the missing 5 minutes hurt the story. Hopefully, it was just fluff, like Chattanooga and #3 son playing around. If you are a Chan fan and can find this one, it's well worth watching.