The Range Feud
The Range Feud
NR | 01 December 1931 (USA)
The Range Feud Trailers

Clint Turner is arrested for the murder of his girlfriend Judy's father, a rival rancher who was an enemy of his own father, and his best friend, Sheriff Buck Gordon sets out to find the real killer in the face of pressure for a quick lynching of Clint.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
ScoobyMint Disappointment for a huge fan!
JohnHowardReid SYNOPSIS: Sheriff tries to keep peace between two warring cattlemen. COMMENT: We have John Wayne's popularity to thank for the video release of this unusual item. (A good print too). I have remarked before that all Buck Jones' films are worth seeing and that many of them are quite unusual. Range Feud bears out that statement. What other westerns can you cite that start right off in a church? What other early sound westerns are so gripping and make such astoundingly smooth use of sharp editing and cross-cutting and pacily employ such realistic sound effects that the complete absence of background music is undetectable? What other westerns have such a grittily realistic mood and atmosphere? And in what other westerns can you find John Wayne playing the romantic lead but not the hero?It's hard to believe that this often stylishly directed piece had any connection with the usually pedestrian D. Ross Lederman. Or that a movie of such expertise could lie forgotten for so long in Hollywood vaults. For instance, Don Miller mentions the movie only in passing (because of Wayne's subsidiary role) in his marvelous book Hollywood Corral.
Michael_Elliott The Range Feud (1931) ** (out of 4) Standard "B" Western has Buck Jones playing Sheriff Buck Gordon who finds himself in the middle of rival families battling over land. Soon Clint Turner (John Wayne) is accused of killing the father of the rival family and Buck must race to try and clear his name.THE RANGE Feud really isn't any different than countless of other Westerns that were made during this era. Heck, even by 1931 standards the film is pretty old-fashioned and using clichéd tricks that went out of style in the silent era. With that said, the film will contain a little interest thanks in large part to Wayne having a small role. While the film is mildly entertaining in its own way, can you really say people would be watching it today if it wasn't for Wayne? The biggest problem is the fact that this is pretty much like any other cheap Western. The filmmaking is "good" enough to get a decent looking film on the screen. The story is your typical Romero and Juliet type of story dealing with a rivalry and murder. Jones makes for a good lead and I thought Wayne was pretty good in his small role. What else can really be said? If you're a fan of these types of films then it's worth watching.
alexandre michel liberman (tmwest) This film is worth seeing, first because of Buck Jones, who is quite good, in my opinion he is the best of the cowboys of the 30's. Also because of John Wayne, for a change playing the young guy, eventually in most of Wayne's film his character would be more like Buck's, but it is fun seeing him in the part that would be equivalent to James Caan in Eldorado or Ricky Nelson in Rio Bravo. The sizes of the hats worn in the film are quite larger than what we are used to see. Also the dresses worn by Susan Fleming look more like dresses worn in the thirties than at the time the story of the film takes place. The fistfight scenes also look speed up and without noise. But one thing you can say about the film: you don't get bored seeing it. But the title of the film you see at the beginning: "Range Feud" ???? Where did they get this name???
beejer Competent little "B" oater with Buck Jones as the heroic sheriff and John Wayne as his friend falsely accused of murder. When you see Harry Wood's name in the cast, it doesn't take long to figure out who is behind all the rustling and killing.This was one of the Duke's first westerns following "The Big Trail"(1930). It was the beginning of a long apprenticeship in the "B" western field. His parts became increasingly smaller in the balance of his work for Columbia due to a conflict with the legendary Harry Cohn, Head of the studio.On the video release issued by Columbia/Tri-Star Home Video notice the title card at the beginning. It gives the title as Range Fued. How did that one ever get by the quality control people?