The Purifiers
The Purifiers
| 30 April 2005 (USA)
The Purifiers Trailers

The story of martial arts clubs who have created their own city infrastructure after tiring of government initiatives. Responding to the greed and corruption creeping into the other clubs, headed by capitalist-wannabe Moses, The Purifiers battle to maintain the successful system which has rid the city of crime and violence.

Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters. If you look at the DVD you might be interested to rent or buy it... Don't make that mistake. When I was looking at the DVD on the video club, story was looking promising, Dominic Monaghan, Karate, Science-fiction,cute actress, everything that could make a movie fun to watch. But it doesn't, not even near fun to watch. -Dominic Mohaghan have the 4th role in this movie but they tried to sell that movie in Canada with him on the DVD. -Combat scenes are bad, too many slow motion -No sex, no gore, no real sci-fi except 2-3 scenes at the beginning. Basically NO REASON to rent/buy/copy this DVD. I don't even know why Dominic Monaghan accepted to be in this movie...
diesoz It is not as bad as I make it sound with the summary. To be honest, I rented this movie strictly because Dominic Monaghan was in it. I had read some bad reviews and was expecting a less than mediocre film. All the same, Dom had looked good in the previews and I figured that if nothing else Dom would be pretty. Dom was pretty. He also did a really good job playing the bad guy. At the end of the movie both my friend and I (we're both big Dom fans) were waiting for somebody to kill him and they did, thank you very much. He is not the main character, but I loved the main character, John. Gordon Alexander did a fantabulous job portraying John as the man who will always stick to what he knows is right and fight what is wrong. There is something of an artistic way this film is done and sometimes it works...other times it doesn't. I still like it a lot and plan on buying on it. It is not what most people would expect when they see the preview, but it is worth a watch.
shadownlite I had a urge to watch this film since I saw the awful trailer for it online. I know, I know, I am a glutton for punishment but I have always enjoyed the laughable badness of B-movies so decided to give it a go, especially since "Lost" actor Dominic Monaghan is in it.How can I describe my experience watching it? I was bored, I laughed quite a bit, I got confused when action jumped to strange places, and I thought, "What the hell was this director thinking?" as the film's end titles rolled with the awful music accompanying them.I won't even want to mention Monaghan's performance in this film because I am sure this is a film he hopes disappears off his resume, especially now he is on "Lost". I will just say that he seemed to do the best he could in this bad movie and leave it at that.This film was a big old mess. It dragged in the action which is bad for a martial arts film. The fight scenes were awful, the dialog was awful, the John character spouting poetic at the beginning and end of the film was awful, and even the clothing was awful. It was a bad rip-off of the movie "The Warriors" simple as that....and a bad attempt to copy the film.I did think that the film had beautiful lighting and the colours were very beautiful as well. High definition digital can be beautiful to look at. Too bad the movie wasn't good itself.I tortured myself twice because after I watched the film through, I thought "What the hell was the director thinking?" so watched the film with his commentary. It seems he is fully aware he is making a bad B movie and that is what he set out to do. He was so earnest about it that I found myself liking bits of the movie after he talking about the "Whys" of them. This is why I gave the movie a "3" in rating. The director did do his very best to make a bad movie with the limited budget he had.But, it is a bad movie so if you don't want to be bored, and don't find amusement in awful films, give this film a pass and rent something better.
Ryan Burch (rburch20) The plot isn't without a few holes, and the acting was so-so in some scenes, but it's still a fun film. The fights are some of the best i've seen as far as real martial arts go. They are stylized enough to show off the fighters' talent, but are also simple enough to be performed on the streets. The scene with the nunchaku was one of the coolest things i've ever seen.The sets, and cinematography are incredible, the lighting is awesome. It doesn't look like a low budget film.Well put together little film, only problem I have with it is the plot is a lot like the screenplay I am currently writing.