The Principle
The Principle
| 14 October 2014 (USA)
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"The Principle" brings to light astonishing new scientific observations challenging the Copernican Principle; the foundational assumption underlying the modern scientific world view. The idea that the Earth occupies no special or favored position in the cosmos has launched the last two scientific revolutions - the Copernican Revolution and Relativity - and, as Lawrence Krauss has said, we could be on the verge of a third, with "Copernicus coming back to haunt us". Interviews with leading cosmologists are interspersed with the views of dissidents and mavericks, bringing into sharp focus the challenges and implications not only for cosmology, but for our cultural and religious view of reality.

Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
rexdavid Brilliant work by the creators of this documentary to bring together the forced assumptions of the cosmos through the ages and present them in valid light.
mollymillions What an awful case of religious propaganda disguised as science. Much pseudo science employed to try an spread disinformation. The makers of the movie should be prosecuted for implying this theory is scientific (and I think they were) and trying to make the masses dumber than they already are. Shame on you.
Granger In college I studied methods of propaganda in my business courses. Why? Because businesses hype their products-- propaganda at its finest. This class taught not only how to recognize propaganda, but how to use it to market products.So through the years I've watched these principles in operation, in everything from religion to the promotion of Evolution. (Yes... a theory with big gaping logic holes and contradictions of data presented as absolute fact... that is a primary method of propaganda.) The same is true of creationists who believe the universe was created in a literal 7 days... or (insert religion names here) that can't even agree on the identity of God.People swallow these things down whole without even challenging the concepts, without looking further into it, just because "scientists say so" or "my preacher says so". (Exactly what is a "scientist" anyway? I'm a SCIENTIST! Woohoo!). And there are always arrogant people who think they know everything there is to know and anyone who disagrees with them is an uneducated idiot. Undue insistence that one's personal viewpoint is absolute reality and disparaging harassment of those who disagree is another method of propaganda.Humankind in general is gullible, easily influenced, easily mislead, easily fooled. "There is a sucker born every minute" is one of the most accurate concepts on our planet. If nothing else, films like this serve to help people understand propaganda and how it works. People will believe things just because an "authority" (or several "authorities") state it is so. Give them SOME facts, and they'll swallow it ALL down. Tell half truths and people will believe it's all truth. Tell the truth, but exaggerate it... and people will believe the exaggeration. Or tell a lie convincingly and earnestly enough, and people will believe that.It doesn't matter whether someone claims the universe revolves around the Earth, that life can somehow magically appear from nothing, or that mankind never set foot on the moon. Propaganda works and if anything, that is the lesson of films such as this. Such claims depend on one, single solitary fact: most people don't examine, analyze or question what they're told. Most people don't question the agendas of "authority" figures (scientific or religious). Just like those who claim there is "no other life in the universe" (how could they possibly know that?)... or that evolution is the "only way" life on this planet could have come about (seriously?)... mankind as a whole is extremely gullible. No one likes admitting that reality... and few will accept it as truth. We don't really want to know the truth; it tends to inconvenience us and destabilize our comfy belief systems.The difference between the average person and people in power-- is that people in power know that mankind is gullible, and use that to every advantage. If we take away one thing at all from this movie (and those similar to it, no matter what stance they take)... it would be to realize how and why propaganda works, and to wake up so we're no longer affected by it. Religious people swallow down teachings from the pulpit. Evolutionists swallow down claims from "scientists". The truth is most people either don't bother to check the facts for themselves... or do so starting from a biased standpoint and refuse to consider their existing beliefs just might be total hogwash.In general, we need to wake up and smell the roses... which have every chance of being artificially scent-enhanced and colored.
greatdeceivah This documentary is filled with so much false, inaccurate and non- scientific facts, i could spend twenty pages debunking most of the information shown on this thinly-veiled piece of religious propaganda disguised as a "documentary". I find it hilarious that the greatest theoretical physicist and cosmologist the world has ever seen, Stephen Hawking was not interviewed for this piece of garbage "documentary"... He would have surely laughed in his robotic voice at most of the non- sense being spewed.. like when some genius says "we are the only life in the entire universe" as if we had already explored the entire universe, when we haven't even explored out own solar system! I am sure Richard Dawkins would have a field day ridiculing most of the fools who participated in this crap.