The Poseidon Adventure
The Poseidon Adventure
| 20 November 2005 (USA)
The Poseidon Adventure Trailers

A cruise ship succumbs to a terrorist act and capsizes on New Year's eve. A rag-tag group of survivors, spearheaded by a priest and a homeland security agent, must journey through the upside down vessel and attempt an escape.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Pluskylang Great Film overall
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
TheLittleSongbird What a disappointment! I really like the 1972 film with Gene Hackman, not so much the bloated remake, but this is by far the worst of anything to do with The Poseidon Adventure. Granted, the production values are great on the whole, but everything else sinks faster than you can shout anchor.Pace is a huge problem with this. The Poseidon Adventure(2005) is incredibly dull, with over an hour of sluggish pacing and little else. It does try to liven things up towards the end, but in the process trying too hard and trying to do too much. The story is very hackneyed, at first it seems as though it never leaves the deck then later on it feels bloated, also it is completely devoid of suspense, poignancy and foreboding. I would blame some of the plot additions for this, especially the terrorist one, which was stupid and added nothing to the story.The Poseidon Adventure also feels very under-directed. Never in a TV series/movie have I seen a more soulless and clumsy directing job. And the dialogue is dreadful, often convoluted, very silly and unsure of which direction it wants to go. The acting doesn't fare that much better, Adam Baldwin and Steve Guttenberg are decent actors but because of the material being so poor not to mention their badly written and thoroughly unlikeable characters they and all the actors for that matter deserve much better than this.Overall, had potential but ended up being a shipwreck. 1/10 Bethany Cox
jonj-8 How can I begin? It should have been called The Love Boat VII. There is nothing even interesting about this movie. Would anyone involved win this movie use it on their CV? It was one of four movies on a $5 DVD in the delete bin at Walmart. This movie cost $1.25 and at that was overpriced. I noticed that the Australian version of this thing was considerably shorter than the general release version and had we not fast forwarded through every piece of "significant" dialogue I would have kicked myself for not searching out the Aussie release.I am somewhat grateful however knowing that should I decide to finish my story about the workday of a toll-booth collector, there are producers out there waiting. Rutger Hauer and Steve Gutenberg are already cast.A chimpanzee could write a better screenplay by sticking a crayon where the sun don't shine and squatting over a copy of the National Enquirer.
Carlos Thomas This is a total waste of film and your time. What a dismal attempt to benefit from a classic disaster film. Top 5 reasons this film is a failure. One - Dylan Clarke video taping everything; Two - no real reason for the ship capsizing; Three - Sylvia Syms poor attempt at acting; Four - Amber Sainsbury another sad attempt at acting; Five - all the whimpering. John Putch should have walked away from this film from day one. Alex Kingston needed something to do after her departure from "ER" but this should not have been it. She has the potential to be one of the great dramatic actors of our day and I hope she will get better roles in the future. Dumbest line - "Remember we talked about plan B, this is it. - Alan Baldwin"
magic-89 Clichés abound like faux Father Christmases in December in this extremely weak remake of the 1972 movie which, when all is said in done, spawned a Hollywood love affair with disaster flicks which continues to this day.The problem, of course, is that everything resembling an original idea has evidently been long exhausted. So what do we get in the space of a few months? Not one, but two, rehashes of the Poseidon Adventure. Put together, the two cannot hold a candle to the original.The first and most obvious cliché is that inevitable phenomenon of our post 9/11 world - the terrorist plot. Exactly why terrorists wanted to blow up the good ship Poseidon is something I have already forgotten. Which leads me to one of the biggest flaws in a seriously flawed production. The characters are so poorly sketched that you don't really give a stuff about who is doing what, or why.I watched this in its mini-series format, spread out over two nights, which of course didn't help. The whole premise is so weak that after 24 hours I had already forgotten almost all of part one. One thing that does stick in my mind is how ludicrously miscast Rutger Hauer is as a bishop, presumably reviving more-or-less the role played with such Godfearing gusto by Gene Hackman in 1972. At least, though, Hauer makes some attempt at injecting a bit of passion into his part, even if he is utterly the wrong actor for the job. Most of the rest of the cast goes through the motions as best as could be expected from a C-Grade crowd, looking for all the world as if they are doing whatever needs to be done to ensure a pay cheque and stuff-all else.The capsizing scene actually isn't bad. It's no worse than what we see in the woefully disappointing "Poseidon" which followed a few months later, and in some ways the made-for-TV effort is actually better than its big-screen successor. But that is saying very little, and ultimately the "Poseidon Adventure" 2005 is a mess, drawn out, poorly cast, woefully written, and about as gripping as a slap in the face with a dead goldfish.