The Pickle
The Pickle
R | 30 April 1993 (USA)
The Pickle Trailers

Harry Stone always dreamed of making "The Great American Movie." Instead he made The Pickle - a teenage sci-fi flick about a flying cucumber. Harry just wanted to get out of debt; now everyone he's ever known, loved and neglected is standing in line for tickets.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Steineded How sad is this?
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Harriet Deltubbo The story to this movie was very different and creative. It's dumb, loud and spectacular when it needed some wit and a better leading man. Everything about this film could make anyone laugh. An intelligent script, with direction that does it justice. It's a film that fails to take advantage of its cool premise, that makes you wish they had done better rather than spoiling a good idea. The editing lets the actors breathe and the music lets the atmosphere live. Still, I thought this was cute and not bad at all. There are slow spots, but to me the movie is too good to dismiss based on them. As a final rating, I receives 7 out of 10.
smatysia It's hard to decide what to say about this one. It isn't totally, one hundred percent bad. Although the movie-in-a-movie is unspeakably bad, meant to be campy, but missing by a mile. I'm pretty sure that this is intentional, however. Danny Aiello is perfectly adequate here, and more or less nails his pathetic character. Dyan Cannon was good in a small role. Clotilde Courau was impressive as the latest twenty-something girlfriend. And Linda Carlson had a brave topless scene that she pulled off very well.So, it's not totally bad, but I don't believe that this one accomplishes its goals. All in all, it's probably worth passing on.
John Converse (converse751) This is a great off-the-wall romantic comedy about love, work, pandering to the public taste, and midlife crises. The main character is a talented movie director who decides to make a silly PG-13 movie to get himself out of hock with the IRS. It has an excellent cast, a wide range of humor (from deadpan to slapstick), and fine writing. It's also a wry send-up of the movie industry. The metacommentary includes several excellent cuts between reality and the movie that's being made, and in some places the film departs from strict realism. The result is a multi-dimensional masterpiece of wry midlife humor.
Jadzia79 It's very interesting to think of how very much this movie could have achieved and didn't. It was supposed to be a look at humanity versus consumerism and art versus marketability. The Pickle is actually three movies in one- we have the story of the director, the movie he has made, and the movie he wants to make. It's a good idea...but something got lost in the transition from idea to film. The story of the director is pretty depressing and largely painful to watch. Aiello's performance is merely adequate, and the relationships he rediscovers with his family and annoying girlfriend seem preachy and cliched. The movie he is about to release, about a giant pickle from outer space, is meant to be amusing high camp, but it's just plain weird. And the movie he dreams of making, based on his childhood, doesn't seem to have a real purpose. THIS moviegoer certainly wouldn't pick it over the space pickle movie.In a nutshell, I don't think I'd pay money to see this film again, though if you bribed me with some of Little Richard's liver-flavored jelly beans I might give it a shot.