The Phantom
The Phantom
PG-13 | 20 December 2009 (USA)
The Phantom Trailers

Before Superman, Spider-Man, and Batman, there was The Phantom, the greatest legend in the annals of 20th century comic-book crime fighting. Now, the immortal superhero returns to strike terror in the hearts of villains around the world - and to inspire a new generation to believe in the Ghost Who Walks.

GazerRise Fantastic!
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
Paul Magne Haakonsen This 2009 reinvention of the old comic book hero was a boring snoozefest that was dragging on and on forever without actually going anywhere. Running for 2 hours and 49 minutes surprisingly little happened throughout the course of the entire movie.Director Paolo Barzman didn't do the comic book any justice with this flaccid reinvention. Everything in this 2009 version strayed far, far too much away from the original concept. And I will go as far as saying that the 1996 movie with Billy Zane was so much more fulfilling in comparison.The costumes were alright, but the feel of the original phantom was lost on the appearance of the phantom in the 2009 version, because it was just a bit over-done.The acting in the movie was alright, but it wasn't nowhere near enough to raise the level of the movie. It was Sandrine Holt who was carrying the movie, even though she wasn't the main character.For an action movie, then "The Phantom" was just a bit too mediocre and mundane, a feat which makes it drown in the action genre, because there are far, far better movies available.This was 2 hour and 49 minutes that I will never get back.
Wizard-8 I remember not being very impressed by the 1996 Phantom movie with Billy Zane, so when I stumbled across this made-for-TV effort to revive the character, I was open to watching it in the hope it would be a lot better.It doesn't take long in watching this two-part movie to determine that it was intended to be the pilot of a proposed TV series. The proposed series never happened, and after watching this sorry mess, I think that was a good thing. So many things go wrong in this retelling of the Phantom legend. The production values are erratic - some scenes look expensive and slick, while other scenes look downright cheap. The "updated" costume of the hero looks frankly ridiculous, and will have you wonder why the filmmakers bothered to get the rights to The Phantom if they didn't have a costume that looked like the classic Phantom getup. The telling of the story is really muddled - some plot points (like why the hero was never told by his adoptive parents that he was adopted) are never explained in enough detail. And at three hours in length, the movie is WAY too long.There's one good bit in the movie - the prolonged assassination attempt near the end - but that's too little, too late. Other than that sequence, this modernized update is a complete misfire. The only good it manages to do is to make people realize that the 1996 movie wasn't as bad as they remember.
hasquare These are my personal comments about the mini-series.First - the good parts:Update of Phantom story - excellent - the world has changed since the 1500's, 1930's, 40's etc. About time The Phantom updated to the 21st century;Kit's character and family history - excellent, 'believable', perhaps a little too much time spent setting the scene.Update/modernisation of Phantom's support organisation - Bpaa Thap & bad guys - The Singh Brotherhood - excellent. Great ideas.Spoiler Alert:Location (island in ......- & not the Caribbean) & design (inside - above and below) of phantom cave - believable(though the 'Deep Woods' seems to be suffering a bit of a drought - El Ninyo effect?)Spoiler Alert:Loved the 'training camp' scenes. He doesn't have 'super/magic Powers', he is simply fit, works hard, trains hard and experienced in what he does (or at least getting there).Spoiler Alert:Most people would feel silly in the original purple suit these days. Nice revision.Guran's updated character - excellent!spoiler alert:For once, an important (lead?) female character does NOT fall in love with the leading male!yes - Guran helps Kit (it's her job), and Kit has a girlfriend, but thankfully there was not a 'competition for the guy' sub-plot!.Acting of main characters, including the villains, and most of the extras, excellent! Second - not so good parts:1. Depiction of Bandar people - weak.Spoiler Alert:Bandar are people - pygmy size.When movie introduced them, the two 'Bandar' looked like children in costume and make up. And from what I could tell, about the only kids in Hollywood who couldn't act! No wonder they 'dissapeared' quickly after Kit sees the cave.Spoiler Alert:Scene of 'tribal initiation' of Kit - great idea, but:'native' actors were too large to look like pygmy Bandar; - 'Witch doctor' character -> hmmm - far too much makeup.It may have been better to portray them as the living descendants of the 'Flores Man' -ref:"Researchers have unearthed remains from individuals who were just one metre tall, with grapefruit-sized skulls. These astonishing little people, "quote from above web site.After all - it is widely held that Modern Man was descended from Neanderthals and/or Cromagnons, for both of which we have found fossils. Modern Man's brain has developed since the Neanderthal, so why not intelligent descendants from the 'Flores Man'? The Bandar are a very secretive tribe.In summary:Great update to The Phantom story; a few parts, especially the Bandar, could have been done better.
unite35 I have to say that this is the best adaptations of the Phantom I have seen to date. Yes, it is made for TV, but don't let that turn you away. SyFy did a great job on this one. The acting was very good throughout. The story was intriguing and the action was fun to watch. If SyFy is thinking of making this into a series, they should absolutely do so. This may be a spoiler to some, but I love the new suit. I'll admit it does take a little bit away from the human aspect of The Phantom, but it still does not make him Superman. They took the classic story and modernized it well. I hope they will show it again soon so I can recommend it to others. If you have a chance, check it out.