The Phantom of the Opera
The Phantom of the Opera
| 18 March 1990 (USA)
The Phantom of the Opera Trailers

Count de Chagnie has discovered Christine's singing talent on a market place and sent her to his friend Carriere, the director of the Parisian opera. However just when she arrives Carriere's dismissed. His arrogant successor refuses to let a woman of low birth sing in his opera, but graciously employs Christine as gadrobiere for his wife Charlotta, who's installed as first singer. He also fights the phantom, an unknown guy who lives since many years in the catacombs below the opera and was granted privileges by Carriere. However the phantom knows how to defend himself and at the same time helps Christine to her career.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Lebossufantome Every person I know who has seen this film has cried through the second half. It is based off of the Yeston musical, 'Phantom'. Even though it is strange for the disfigured Erik to have loving parents, it is a surprisingly effective point that matches the story perfectly, and does not subtract from the total outcome. The actors are perfectly matched with parts, and they never seem out of place. The score from several operas really bring it together. On it's own, it is very easily one of the best. It is different enough from the musical it is based on (as well as the book for that matter) to be on it's own, but still retains all of the power that you get from both. You hardly realize you are sitting there watching for hours at a time.
karalynnn Beautiful Adaptation of the Phantom of the Opera. This is NOT the musical Broadway version. The only music here is the Italian operas the opera house is performing. This version based on a stage version of the book, by noted playwright Arthur Kopit, is beautiful and well performed. I love this movie because of its character development and lack of individuals breaking into song for absolutely no reason, what so ever. The use of the Phantom's various masks to convey his mood is a very unique approach, in this film. The climatic duet between Christine and Eric and a beautiful scene with Burt Lancaster and Charles Dance (Carriere and Eric) are both very moving.A beautiful, and tragic love story.
jscrump-1 I watched this movie because I wanted to see what Andrew Lloyd Webber was up against. I honestly thought it was going to be horrible. After, I saw the movie not only was I very impressed, but I couldn't get enough of it. I loved the cast. I was extremely pleased not none of Yestin's and Koppit's songs were used.(Now, I saw the Yestin's and Koppit's play long before I even knew a movie of it had been made.)I didn't like what they did with Eric's background story. I felt that it took away from his character. I hated that they didn't make Philippe more of a hero and that he had scenes in which he smoked!!! I was disappointed that we only saw Eric's face once and that it wasn't more believable. His face also really wasn't scary. I also thought that young Philippe, young Christine,and young Eric should have, at least, some dialogue.
FloatingOpera7 I never saw this on TV. In 1990, I was exactly 10 years old, and must have missed this two part TV movie. It won an Emmy or Golden Globe for best TV drama. Director Tony Richardson (of Tom Jones fame) makes a brilliant adaptation of the play by Arthur L. Kopit. Charles Dance stars as the tragic Phantom Of The Opera, Erik, whose father Gerard Carriere (played by Burt Lancaster) manages the theatre and conceals his hideously deformed son underground. There have been some alterations to the versions most people are familiar with- either the Lon Cheney version of 1926 or the more recent Andrew Lloyd Webber musical. These changes include the omission of Raoul, Vicomte De Chagny and calling him Phillipe. The Phantom's father is a new character, taking the role that Madame Giry was supposed to fill. She had saved the troubled Phantom and hidden him under the theatre and been a "parent" figure to him. Teri Polo plays Christine Daee, the ingenue of the Paris Opera and the Phantom's student and true love. More than any other film, the relationship between Christine and the Phantom as mentor/muse..student and teacher is most emphasized. The love story is therefore even more emotional and profound. In the end, we can't help but cry when watch how a father is forced to kill his own son, who is also ready to die and even asking for the death blow, high atop the Paris Opera dome/rooftop, surrounded by men ready to fire.This has its moments. The visuals and cinematography are top-notch, effectively creating the 19th century Paris Opera environment- complete with the world of ballerinas, costume makers, patrons, singers and managers. Andrea Ferreol as the bitchy, jealous and totally corrupt La Carlotta is quite a good performance. The Phantom is portrayed as a sympathetic and tragic figure, not a terror of the opera, which is closest to the original concept of author Gaston Leroux. This is the same kind of Phantom we get in the Lloyd Webber musical. This is not that version, mind you, and is strictly a drama. The use of authentic operas (Norma, La Traviata and Faust) which were indeed staged at the Paris Opera is advantageous. There are several moments of humor- especially in the scenes in which La Carlotta's singing is foiled by schemes devised by the Phantom i.e. itching powder during her entrance aria as Norma and the glue on the cup she raises in the toast song in Traviata. True, some of the dialogue, especially in the later portions, gets too simple, stilted and wooden. But the strength of this movie is the chemistry between Teri Polo's Christine Daee and Charles Dance as the Phantom. Beautiful film, not to be missed. If you like anything Phantom, this film is one to watch. The music is gorgeous, the costumes, the cinematography and the acting.
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