The Perfect Sleep
The Perfect Sleep
R | 13 March 2009 (USA)
The Perfect Sleep Trailers

In a timeless city, a man with no name returns to the violent, brutal domain of assassins he left ten years before – back when they dubbed him The Mad Monk for his disregard for his own life and his intense devotion to one woman, Porphyria; a beautiful, luminescent woman; the girl he grew up with; the love of his life; the one thing he has ever wanted; the one thing he can never have.

Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Mike Spoiler Ahead! This is without a doubt one of the slowest moving, boring movies I have tried to stay awake through. the monotone and almost monochrome atmosphere of the flick is the perfect anecdote for an insomniac. Not to mention the tired old plot of the evil prince or black knight captures the fair maiden and then the White Knight has to come and rescue her. Same olé, same olé. And not to mention the unrequited love from the white knight, again, same olé. The director should be shot for unleashing such a dragging pace to a movie that does display and exhibit some wonderful cinematography and clever use of shadows, camera angles and excellent film noir narration. The fight scenes are almost laughable with how much punishment the star takes and then within a few hours is completely rehabilitated and ready for action. While most humans would be laid up in a hospital after being kicked repeatedly and severely about the head, shoulders and body. Oh well it is a movie after all. Albeit one that I watched free with my NetFlix streaming subscription and an Apple TV. I'm beginning to understand why these movies are on the NetFlix service. Maybe I'm showing my age but we just went to the theater and saw 'The BEST EXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL' and I highly recommend it to lovers of the cinema. Nice pace, great acting and wonderful story.
wolter-hunter Film Noire is a genre that requires a certain level of tact, cleverness, intellect, and imagery. This movie has none of that, though they really tried hard with the imagery.It's the kind of movie that your cousin Marky the dump truck driver, who's always talking about how he's going to make it big in the movies someday, would make.The dialogue is wooden and lifeless. The visuals, while obviously expensive to make, are the work of a director who has tried to be clever and failed miserably due to a severe lack in cerebral ability. The acting ranged from sub-par to just plain bad. The story might have been salvaged by a real writer and director, but I suspect that such people would not have touched it with a barge pole.About 1/4 of the way through, I noticed striking similarities with the scene in Sim0ne where Viktor, desperate to be rid of his actress, makes the world's worst movie. I figured I'd check IMDb to see if a similar effect has occurred in this movie, and to my surprise it has. I'd almost be tempted to give a 2 out of 10 just because it's exposed the pretentious groupies, but I won't. It's that bad.
Pimptress2003 Without getting into specifics that would ruin the film for those that have not yet seen it, I will simply say that this is a film that has absolutely no direct comparison. It is a stand alone piece of work.At the outset, I was completely surprised that I was in a world or universe I have never seen before. It felt like some kind of bizarre paradox between the The Godfather and The Maltese Falcon.Sure there were times I was frustrated at the pace, but then I was given a healthy dose of very appealing brutality. That is the thing about this film: just when you settle into one facet or genre, the director smashes you into another.It is obvious I really loved the film, but the truth is that I loved it most because it may not have given me what I am used to getting in little indie action films, but it did give me the unexpected, it was smart as hell, and it contains a whole lot of "I can't believe that happened" moments! See this film and see for yourself. You will not be disappointed.Peace! THE PERFECT SLEEP takes me by surprise, just when I thought this was just going to be another noir movie that only focuses on art and nothing else, it actually delivers some of the most entertaining gunfight sequences I've seen in a long time. It's a… dark, classy thriller/drama, worthy of going up against some of the best movies this year can throw at you. The story is elegant and cunning at the same time, the kind of revenge story you'd like to wrap your head around.What really grabs me by the throat is the martial aspect of this movie. Absolutely impressive, I don't remember ever watching a noir movie in the past that has such kick-ass fight scenes. That and the doctor whose style of killing includes telling his victims what they're about to go through as they slowly fall to their excruciating death. That part isn't so original but it's played with such finesse and calmness by actor Tony Amendola, it's practically hypnotic. On top of that I really enjoy how writer/actor Anton Pardoe crafted such a simple yet intriguing story that's not too confusing to crack wide open but you don't mind because it will make you even more curious to see how the story would resolve itself. There's a little bit of everything for everyone: romance, the fascination that comes with the concept of lonesome assassin, it even has sniper shooting for those of you who are into first-person shooting video game.My only few objections probably would have to do with the acting. Roselyn Sanchez is a gorgeous woman but she's still got a ways to go before she could be deemed as a talented actress. There are times when you're looking at her face as she's saying her lines and it still feels as though she's reading the script on the reflection of the opposing actors' eyes. It's obvious that actor Anton Pardoe gives his all because this is his passion project, if you will, but he does not have the looks and charm of a lead male star. I think Patrick Bauchau was fantastic in the HBO series Carnivale but in THE PERFECT SLEEP, his performance is rather dry, half-hearted and doesn't leave a lasting impression. The cinematography is decent, the way it plays with the contrast between light and dark and the spaces in between is not too shabby. it serves some moments that would get you to submit but at times, I feel it could go the distance a bit. Show more close up shots in more creative angles instead of just depending on wide span for most parts. We could do without some of the dialogue, I don't like it much when a movie is trying too hard to be all aristotle or king Solomon and throws darts of wisdom words so obviously at the audience. Having said that, THE PERFECT SLEEP is still worth watching for those of us who long for something familiar and yet so different.--Rama's SCREEN--