The Perfect Bride: Wedding Bells
The Perfect Bride: Wedding Bells
| 09 June 2018 (USA)
The Perfect Bride: Wedding Bells Trailers

Former marriage counselor turned fitness instructor Molly White has built a popular brand of workout classes, while her successful wedding photographer boyfriend Nick is branching out into art photography. Molly and Nick are very much in love and about to take the plunge by getting married, but life’s complexities combined with wedding planning are making their trip to the altar a challenge. When thoughts of postponement crop up, can this perfectly matched bride and groom work together to make their wedding happen?

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
savethewatchmaker I was happy to see that The Perfect Bride was getting a sequel, and while Hallmark typically has trouble living up to its predecessors as far as sequels are concerned, this movie was charming, sweet, and most importantly, consistent with the original film. Like all the other reviewers have noted, Kavan Smith and Pascale Hutton have wonderful chemistry, and this carries over well into the second installment of their story. They banter convincingly, they work out their problems realistically, and they look at each other with real emotion rather, like they're not just waiting with every fiber of their being for someone to yell "cut!" It was refreshing that at no point in the movie did either character stray too much from their true selves, and therefore, their relationship remained strong as well, and I did not worry for the sturdiness of them as a couple while watching. While some might say this makes the film and its ending predictable, for me, it was just heart-warming to watch a functional, sweet couple supporting each other.It was also a relief that the movie was not startlingly different from the one that preceded it (I'm looking at you, All of My Heart). The actors were the same, the locations were the same, and a lot of callbacks where made to the first movie, such as Molly and Nick's song, their wedding venue, and Molly's story with her ex-fiance, which played an interesting role in this movie. Because of all that, the sequel felt like a genuine continuation of the story and the development of the characters, rather than just an unnecessary add-on to the original plot that did absolutely nothing to advance it (I'm looking at you, The Wedding March).Speaking of the storyline with the fiance, I didn't see it coming at all. When Steven turned out to be the mystery investor, I was surprised, and I was even more so when my prediction for his involvement with the story was completely off the mark: I fully expected Steven to realize he was still in love with Molly, make some untoward advance toward her, which would then be seen by Nick, who would storm off before being able to see Molly rebuff Steven, yada yada yada... we've all seen this cliche in Hallmark before, so the fact that Steven didn't wreak this type of havoc in Molly's life was nice (and unpredictable). Despite not being a super likable guy, it was still refreshing to see that his involvement ultimately lead to Molly getting closure about a traumatic event in her life.Now for the complaints. Molly's boot camp in the original movie made perfect sense: work out to fit into that coveted wedding dress, and occasionally do a few couple-themed exercises with your fiance to learn how to work together in a fun, no-pressure way. In this movie, she has extended her classes to marriage bootcamp, which is so ridiculous I could hardly take it seriously. Her "lessons," carried over from her past as a marriage counselor, include plaques with words like FORGIVENESS hanging nearby while Molly shares random, pointless platitudes while the couples lean on each other in various pair exercises. They are all pointless fluff words about unconditional love and being there for each other, etc, etc. This bit just didn't work.Secondly, there is a real seesaw element to Molly and Nick's wedding date that went back and forth too much, and the supporting characters don't help with this either. Molly and Nick are constantly going back and forth on whether or not to have the wedding so soon or not, and this took up a lot of time in the film that probably could've been spent elsewhere. Molly's sister also continuously nags Molly about if having the wedding so fast is a good idea, and that she deserves her dream wedding even if that takes time, yet, when Molly decides to postpone the wedding, her sister has suddenly changed her stance on this entirely.Overall, though, I was pleased with this film, and despite how much I enjoyed Molly and Nick's story, I hope it ends here, as I think this resolution is a natural ending point. This movie built upon the strengths of The Perfect Bride and didn't feel the need to shake up the world too much, instead adding in some realistic elements, such as experiencing many hectic life-altering events at once and learning how to navigate them as a couple, and therefore, it worked tremendously well.
bjeliason I have not been a fan of the Hallmark Channel in fact just started watching the channel due to the show Meet the Peetes. I have not watched any of their movies until the past month but I have watched them this month and not because its Wedding month.Ok so to the movie, I thought this was a great sequel and it threw some real life things in it but the real reason to watch this movie is because of the chemistry between Pascale Hutton and Kavan Smith (who is one of the cutest sexiest actors out there). You can not manufacture the chemistry between them and I will always watch anything between them, they could do an hour of reading the phone book and I would watch.Enjoy the movie and more importantly Pascale and Kavan's chemistry.
magicofnimue Molly and Nick are so adorable. What I loved the most is that no matter how hectic life got, they were in it together and their love NEVER wavered. They worked it out together. They didn't argue or fight or complain they just talked, listened and did what worked best for both of them. The actors have such wonderful chemistry, you'd think they were really married. They are a perfect acting team.They must enjoy acting and acting together because it shows every time I see them act. I love them on When Calls the Heart as well. This was a sequel and it ended perfectly. I don't know if they will be doing more but I wouldn't mind at all. They are great together, keep them the way they are, I hope they don't change their attitudes or how they feel about each other. Highly recommend this movie.
Miss M Molly and Nick are getting married (yay!) but things get complicated as they plan the wedding because they both have their professionals careers to think about. Their relationship may be strong but when facing all this stress they start thinking if they made the right choice.I loved this movie, okay? I may be biased by Pascale and Kavan and how much chemistry they have and how much they made me laugh. I would honestly watch these two banter about anything for an hour and a half. There were a few things that bothered me (like dress available) minor things that are so typical Hallmark, that I honestly don't get annoyed anymore. What I did like was that there was no moment in which they hesistated about how they felt about each other, it was just life in their way. It was a good sequel, maybe not the SEQUEL but so worth it. Now, I don't know about a third one for this. This was a nice closure. I will take it, of course, as along as the story makes sense, but a Christmas movie sounds fun, right?
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