The Perfect Assistant
The Perfect Assistant
NR | 02 January 2008 (USA)
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Rachel Parsons is the perfect assistant, but she's completely in love with her boss. She's got a secret obsession: be his wife and have kids. The problem is that he already has a family.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Stephen Abell Be aware you have to stay with this film for it to gell together correctly. At the start of the movie, my finger was hovering over the off button for at least the first twenty minutes. I was close to the pressing point. But something in my mind stopped me from depressing the button.The story starts out with David Prescott's (Potter) wife Carol (Marcil) being rushed to the hospital. David contacts his personal assistant, Rachel (Davis), to bring her up to speed and to cancel and rearrange meetings until his wife is better. However, Rachel isn't as stable as she appears. She sees David as one of the good men and is truly upset to hear about his wife. She asks how their daughter, Isabelle (Szalankiewicz) is coping. From here on in we get to see her slowly immerse herself into the Prescott's life and family as her delusion grows. It's this growth and the path it leads her down that makes this movie watchable. It gives the story twists and turns that show the workings of a broken mind. Her morals lose ground as her infatuation and obsession grow... how far will she go in what she believes to be true love?I believe that had this been given to a stronger cast and director it would have been a fantastic thought-provoking and chilling film. However, what we get is an entertaining and easily watchable afternoon TV movie.Though the direction is pretty standard for this style of flick more powerful atmosphere and tension were called for to add strength to the project. For me, the worst thing about the film was the acting. Especially from Josie Davis who is a little too over the top with her characterisation - less definitely would have been more. However, it's not a constant thing as there are times when she's spot on with her portrayal. Then there's Deborah Pollitt as Nora... okay, so I actually know people like this so she conveys a realistic character, however, with Josie Davis' performance it makes Pollitt's idiosyncrasies more than a little irritating. One annoying character per film is enough.Since this film surprised me I would recommend it to all psychological thriller fans, though you have to stay with it for the full effect - it's a potboiler.
evening1 Secretary Rachel Partson will do anything for her boss, but it's her obsessive infatuation that truly controls her. This pretty-good LMN movie serves as a cautionary tale on the dangers of bending workplace boundaries. Married PR-firm exec David Westcott entrusts his assistant with the keys to his home and allows her to babysit his daughter. Little does he realize she's misread this familiarity and believes he's in love.The performances here are excellent. Josie Davis is convincingly icy as the psychopathic amanuensis. Her boss is played well by Chris Potter, who doesn't seem to realize how handsome and desirable he is until he's ambushed by a passionate kiss. My main objection to this film is that Rachel is made a killer. She's interesting enough psychologically to carry this film without resorting to homicide. Murder isn't commonplace in real life. Why must it be in film?
fredtwenty4 I chose an 8 rating out of ten even though I enjoyed the movie intensely because the lead male character did not do as I would have done and "go for it", the young and smoking sexy hot and very beautiful Executive Assistant. He chose instead to remain monogamous to his very deceased wife. Bearing in mind that no one knew Rachel assisted her boss's wife on her way "out the door" so to speak. I literally found myself rooting for her to "get her man". "Why?" you ask. Because there is nothing sexier than a woman who will do "whatever it takes" to get her man and will do "anything and everything" to please him and keep him pleased. Yes, she is a closet nut case. But that's okay because she's crazy about him/me. Which means I do not have to worry about her fidelity and loyalty to me because she's out of her mind crazy about me. She would never allow another man in her bed or betray my love to her nor let another woman move in on her territory because as she so aptly said in the movie "She can't live without me." And her actions backed up her words. Josie Davis executed her seductive role so well I could literally taste her sweet and succulent womanhood in my mouth. I wanted her sooooo bad. The way I saw it she was seducing me. Which is why through out the movie I could not fathom why David could not figure out she wanted him, and when he finally did realize it how on earth could he resist her charms, her beauty, her passionate desires. Rachel would surely give him a night he would not soon forget. And he would definitely know beyond doubt that she belonged to him, only him, and no other man could swoop in and take her away from him because she was crazy beyond reason about him. He has all the power, because she would do whatever he asked/directed/told her to do. She was already primed to succumb to his will at work, and would do anything to keep him once she got him. I would surely have maximized the benefits to that truth about Rachel both in and out of bed. Knowing I could never sleep with another woman again because Rachel would surely put her, and possibly me, in a permanent sleep (a by-product of insane obsession). I also rated the movie an 8 because I did not feel it perpetuated reality. If the events of this movie happened in real life he would give way to her advances and she would surely rock his world in ways he had never dreamed possible. Now who's hooked on who? I would have loved to see an R-rated version of this movie.
t-man-8 Having watched more than my share of Lifetime movies, I am constantly surprised at the creative ways the filmmakers switch things up. There is a format that these movies follow and it must be challenging to consistently find ways to keep them fresh--and more importantly, with this channel, entertaining.I think part of the reason why The Perfect Assistant was so enjoyable is that it features a collective of actors who work pretty consistently in these movies, and much like a basketball team that has played together for a long time, they have a fun time with what they are doing. While the user above pointed out Sophie's performance I have to say I completely disagree. Not only is she hot, but she brings a spark to the screen. If they were recasting Dallas, she'd fit right in.I've enjoyed a few movies she and some of the other cast have been in for Lifetime, and part of that enjoyment is seeing what type of character they'll be playing this time around. Is it the disingenuous friend? The unsuspecting sister? The co-worker with a nefarious plan? The roles are just "parts" to an actor. But in a cable TV movie, each of these roles is a part of the plot machinery that must move the story forward. So watching what choices fine actors like Ms. Gendron and Mr. Potter make with these roles is part of the delicious fun of watching the films.If you are a fan of puzzle movies, or cable drama thrills, than The Perfect Assistant is certainly going to be very satisfying. If not, then you might want to watch something else.