The Paranormal Diaries: Clophill
The Paranormal Diaries: Clophill
PG-13 | 14 October 2013 (USA)
The Paranormal Diaries: Clophill Trailers

In March 1963, a black mass was held at a ruined church in Clophill, Bedfordshire by a coven of dark witches. Tombs were looted, animals sacrificed and human bones arranged during a macabre ceremony. Further defilements continued at Clophill in the following years, with cattle in nearby fields found mutilated, evidence of necromancy discovered and perpetual sightings of paranormal activity witnessed at the isolated ruin. 50 years on from the original incident, the Clophill legend remains etched on the psyches of the local populace. In 2010, a documentary team was assembled to investigate the legend of the Clophill witches and to try and uncover the truth behind the paranormal events. What followed during that long weekend at Clophill was a terrifying journey into the unknown.

Alicia I love this movie so much
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Daman-Malone This movie is not a bad watch. It's got a good foundation of a story based on "Real Events" and the subject matter is always intriguing to watch. This being said I watched this film without reading any reviews or even reading the synopsis. After watching I started to read up on the reviews on here and there have been some very good opinions however daitch chase who left a review more to defend the movie clearly has an ulterior motive. I make it a habit to watch movies for entertainment and if it happens to peak my interested to find out more I will, but this is my own personal guide line, in any so called "REAL" movie if they people in the said "REAL" movie happen to be on IMDb with a list of credits I take their experiences to be more of an act than anything else. After all they are making a MOVIE even if the so called trivia states 90% of the film was real and not rehearsed. Actors are trained to react to their environment and place yourself as the character you are representing. So in a paranormal movie I expected much of the shaking of the camera, out the blue shock noises and just on the noise lets face facts when you walk do you have a score or musical effects follow you? no so at some point editing and sound and possibly visual effects were added. So this is a good movie but don't be like daitch chase if you like it great if not oh well. But don't pop at people who slate it.
us_2 First off, I love ghost hunting shows on TV and spooky, paranormal real-life stories. But, I couldn't bring myself to finish watching this movie. Maybe if it was presented as a real documentary, instead of a horror/mockumentary, it wouldn't have been so boring.Sorry, but I really thought Paranormal Diaries: Clophill was a parody of ghost hunters. The large group of people with the Ouija board were kind of irritating. When the main guy told the others to speak when they felt something, and maybe someone else would feel it too - it's called power of suggestion and group hysteria. With the ghost box, one person would say they heard something, then everyone else nods in agreement, when you really can't understand anything coming out of it. There was a preview of the Black Water Vampire movie on the disc, and I kept hoping that it would come out of the forest and eat the investigators.
KKLuvNlife When I first picked up Paranormal Diaries: Clophill, I was not expecting anything more than another "found footage" flick to add to my watchlist. Immediately, I was taken in by the set up with the interviews that included the names and location of the persons being interviewed. I thought this added a nice touch. The characters were very believable since they were an average looking group who didn't do the usual over acting you see in most of the low budget found footage films. I also really liked how they flashed back and forth from the footage to interviews...another realistic addition. I always enjoy a film where I have to really read through all the credits to know for sure it didn't happen! If I have to even consider the possibility it may be true for even a moment, I call it a success.I found it to be enjoyable.
marable-653-279035 This movie plays out like a reality TV show/documentary. There isn't a lot of action to be had with this film. But if you like Ghost Hunters or Ghost Adventures, then you will probably like this as well. There is nothing new in this film, but it works well for what it is. It is somewhat slow as with most of these types of films... Interviews with "witnesses" first, followed by a night or so of "data collection/baseline events", followed by the "real" investigation. I was able to watch it without fast-forwarding through as I do with most movies like this. Acting wasn't horrible and the characters were believable as "everyday" people investigating these types of events.
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