The Other Woman
The Other Woman
| 21 June 2008 (USA)
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The second wife, a vibrant young TV producer, of a very successful divorce lawyer fears she'll lose him to a younger woman who declares her intent to steal him away — which is precisely what wife number two did four years earlier to his first wife.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
WiseRatFlames An unexpected masterpiece
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
simonebuvez I normally wouldn't even bother reviewing a movie like this, but it was so horrible, people just have to know. It's difficult to point out specifics without spoiling the plot, but suffice it to say, the screen writing, direction, and acting were horrible. I kept waiting for the elements to tie the whole story together at the end, which didn't happen. Further, the character "development" was terrible. How could such a doofus of a husband be married to a supposedly smart, accomplished woman? By the way, she exhibited little of this intelligence and wit she purportedly possessed. What was the point of the daughter and her boyfriend? To spy on the husband at the end? That just didn't make sense. Nicole was a joke, overacted, pathetic. It didn't make sense that the husband was supposedly such a brilliant, clever lawyer, but didn't realize Nicole was so "off." Why didn't Jill tell him about the glass? What part did the glass play? Ugh, there's just too much wrong with this movie to go on. Suffice it to say, I'm glad I "pay for" the film and sit through the commercials!
david_kravitz In the space of just six days I have seen (arguably) the best film of 2008 (Changeling) and the worst (this one). Where to even start? A nonsensical plot was matched by some very poor acting. Loose ends everywhere and four actresses using the same peroxide bottle that made them difficult to tell apart.The main story concerns a bimbo who tells a wife she is going to steal her husband. There are side issues such as another wife murdering her husband and a daughter, who just mumbles her lines, with boyfriend problems and a mother who appears in just one scene (I think) for no good reason. Many of these stories are left unresolved at the end and you wonder just what the film was all about.Then there is the acting. The daughter who mumbles her way through is matched by the rest. I do not know any of the actors or actresses from other parts but I presume they may come from cheap daytime soap opera.As I write this, my apartment is being decorated. Watching the paint dry on the walls is more exciting than this film. Could someone at IMDb explain its rating for this film?
guilfisher-1 This movie irritated me quite a lot. Plot is so familiar you guess the ending in the first few minutes. And the leading lady, played by Josie Bisset was as annoying to watch. Wearing so tight jeans you could see her, you know what. Blouses so low it revealed, well not that much. And walking around wearing the same outfit almost throughout the movie. But the real problem is her hair. Most of the times you wanted to hand her a hair brush and tell her to brush her hair out of her face. She looked unkempt, almost dirty. Even when her hair was pulled back, seldom, there were strings hanging down in her face. Most of the time her bleached blonde hair was over one eye giving her a Hitler like look. It annoyed me that much. This lady needs grooming badly. Lisa Marie was another to much hair actress, if you want to call waking around pouting most of the time acting. Too much hair for someone her age. That lady needed a haircut. And poor Jason Proestley, whom I like as an actor, didn't have much to work with, script or actresses.This was a loser film with loser performances and women that should act and look their age. GET SOME GROOMING AND BRUSH YOUR HAIR OUT OF YOUR FACE.
Alexa Jill was a journalist that left everything behind to start a life with her husband Derek, a husband that left his wife and daughter to be with her, now Jill is a University teacher and Derek is in the best moment of his career as a lawyer in one of the best firms in the city, everything is perfect until one day Nicole, an intern in the law-firm introduces her self to Jill and says "I'll marry your husband", since that day strange things start happening to Jill, but David, her husband doesn't see anything strange in Nicole.Will Derek found out the truth about Nicole? Or Jill will have to pay for what she did in the beginning?