The Other One
The Other One
| 02 April 2017 (USA)
The Other One Trailers

When perpetual never-do-well, August, hits rock bottom, he breaks into his rich neighbor's apartment to steal some money. When she turns up badly injured, he panics and hits the road, but he soon realizes he's being followed by an ominous stranger. Will his bad decisions finally destroy him, or can August find redemption?

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Micah Lloyd Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
Michael Ledo Auggie (Tom Cadman) is a likable loser...most of the time. The film doesn't show us him beating his (ex) wife, something he apparently did, but claims he didn't. He is unemployable and is similar to "The Dude" but less cool, man. In one scene he spends his money to help a dying man and in another he breaks into a woman's apartment and robs from her. Marx would have been proud. Auggie frequently lies to cover up his short comings which include excessive drinking. To add to his issues, a man (George Gelernter) in an ugly shirt is following him who is speculated to be a shape shifter by one of Auggie's stoned friends. Indeed, Auggie's life and dreams seem to be one big peyote trip of finding oneself.The film manages to change scenes frequently enough to keep us half engaged, but remember Tom Cadman has as much scene time as George Clooney typical does. I thought the ending needed improvement, as if the script writer wrote himself into a corner.Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
Leofwine_draca THE OTHER ONE is an indie thriller that ultimately fails to thrill or provide any real entertainment value for audiences. Watching it is merely a waste of a couple of hours in which you could be doing something more interesting, like watching paint dry. The protagonist is an unlikeable, over-age hippy character who becomes convinced that he's being followed by persons unknown. Despite this set-up, the narrative has no sense of paranoia or suspense at all.Instead, as with most independent cinema, it just features a bunch of dull actors trying to bring life to insipid dialogue. People chat in bars, walk around, and eat in their houses. It doesn't add up to very much at all. The only element of interest is the science fiction twist ending, which is ruined by a completely cheesy CGI effect.