The One and Only
The One and Only
| 04 October 2002 (USA)
The One and Only Trailers

When Stevie meets Neil on the day he comes to deliver her brand new kitchen, it's already too late for love at first sight. Too late for both of them. Stevie is already five minutes pregnant by her Italian footballer husband. And too late for Neil too - his wife Jenny has already applied to adopt an African girl. But too late or otherwise, love at first sight is exactly what happens. How can Neil and Stevie get out of their mistaken marriages and into each others arms?

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
robert-temple-1 This wonderful comedy is funnier than any Monty Python film and is such a sensationally successful British comedy that I marvel that it is not spoken of by everyone as a classic of its kind. I only came upon it because I was curious to see something else featuring Justine Waddell, who was so brilliant in WIVES AND DAUGHTERS (1999, see my review). I thus discovered this DVD for sale, I had never heard of the film, and I thought I'd try it. What a surprise! Waddell, who is such a fine dramatic actress, turns out to be a first class and inspired comedienne as well. The film is brilliantly directed, with just the right touch, by Simon Cellan Jones (son of Jim and Maggie). Another pricelessly funny star of the show is a little African girl named Angel Thomas, who is the bemused observer to more crazy goings-on than most children could even dream of. Jonathan Cake is outrageously funny as a spoilt brat Italian football star with an ego bigger than ten playing fields and a perfectly-honed wounded sense of self-pity. The film is made entirely in Newcastle-upon-Tyne in the north of England, hardly familiar territory for the film industry. I must say, the director chose every angle and every location which could possibly make Newcastle look good, and the town comes out of it all sleek and shining. (I would never have imagined it possible.) A 'positive image of Tyneside' was certainly successfully achieved. However, this magnificent film has been so badly distributed that no one seems to know it was ever made. Looking at IMDb, I see that this film is an English language remake of a Danish film called DEN ENESTE ENE (1999), which was directed by Suzanne Bier, a very well known Danish director. The Danish original seems to be available on DVD only with Norwegian subtitles, good if you are a Norwegian, but if not, not. The English film with Justine Waddell beats Woody Allen at his own game. It is really that good. Why did nobody get behind this film and promote it properly? However, the film is definitely a danger to your heath, since if you watch it, there is a serious danger that you might die laughing.
beau geste 38 I caught this on late night TV, and missed the beginning. After a few minutes I was sat up in bed. This had caught my attention. At the time I thought it was a TV production, similar to Cold Feet (one of my favourite series). Not as much 'warmth' as Cold Feet, but this was funny, sad, tragic, etc. All the ingredients needed for a black comedy. Comedy appeals to a wide spectrum, and this won't please everyone. But to me it is one of the funniest 'black comedies' since No Surrender (1985). I'm from the North East, and found the accents quite believable. In fact, I thought that the main actors were Geordies. Never heard of either of them, but I'll be looking out for them, especially Justine Waddell, who was a bit of a dish. I shall go out and buy the Video or DVD, and give a copy to those friends of mine, who are on a similar comedy wavelength to myself. Jimmy Nail's Spender had already shown that the North East had some great locations, so I wasn't surprised at some of the great outdoor shots in this film. I have a feeling that there will be more to come from this area, and from Justine Waddell.
sandybeedee I've just seen this movie on DVD. Its sweet and surprisingly funny. And has two great performances from Richard Roxburgh and Justine Waddell. The best scenes in the film are when they're together. You really want them to have their happy ending. The direction is erratic, and the writing's weak, but they're charming so it doesn't matter. There's also a funny performance by Michael Hodgson. Newcastle looks good, and the movie has a fun soundtrack. I wish there were cast interviews and more behind the scenes footage on the DVD. It kind of looks like it was done on the cheap. But the movie itself is sweet and funny. A good way to spend a Sunday evening.
maclellana Film critics are a funny breed. They have the power to influence what you see, what you eat, where you go, what you do; and often based on very subjective, biased views without any real thought or research. I came very close to not seeing this film due to the appalling press it received. Indeed, after 2 weeks of trawling around the net I was struggling to find one good review of the film. All I can say is I'm glad I gave it the benefit of the doubt...Don't get me wrong - there's no Oscar winning performances in this film. Some of the accents are a little shoddy and some hilarious moments could have been pulled off much better. Having said all that, this is the first film in a long time where literally the entire cinema (which was sold out) were in fits of uncontrollable laughter throughout. The film isn't *that* bad. Don't believe everything you read (including this!) - check it out for yourself... you may be pleasantly surprised. So, a little different I know, what I'd like to do is feedback on some on the critics comments so that you can form your own, lets say, 'more unbiased' opinion of this.Firstly, starting with 'Neil Smith' who's reviews have cropped up for none other than the BBC. He quotes, "Newcastle is the setting for this feeble British romantic comedy, starring Patsy Kensit and Donna Air.". For starters, the film does not 'star' Patsy Kensit OR Donna Air. Patsy Kensit plays a relatively minor role in the scheme of things and Donna Air merely makes a cameo appearance (in all of two scenes) as a beautician and barely says more than two sentences. Admittedly, Patsy Kensit's acting wasn't amazing but I wouldn't say Donna's acting was good or bad based on how much you actually see of her in the film.Neil goes on to say, "...some of the worst accents ever heard in a British picture". Well, I've lived in Newcastle for 28 years and would say I'm quite a good authority on what makes an acceptable 'Geordie' accent. The accents from Richard Roxborough (who played Neil, the kitchen fitter) and Justine Waddell (who played Stevie) were quite plausible. They may not fit into the stereotyped bracket of Geordie accents that some people, who probably haven't been within 200 miles of Newcastle, would like to impose as the norm; but they were quite believable as accents belonging to someone from the area. Believe it or not, there's more than one flavour of Geordie accent - when you've lived here for long enough you can quite easily identify the area of the North East a person comes from just by their accent, as you can anywhere in the world. It's very narrow-minded to think that all Geordie accents are the same.Mr Smith (and various other 'reviewers') have slated Jonathan Cake's performance, "... a ghastly parody of an Italian footballer...", " accent that even Paolo di Canio would have trouble deciphering...". Well, it's pretty damn obvious that Cake is playing a SPOOF role as Italian footballer, 'Andrea / Sonny' in the film. I mean, surely no one in their right mind is of the opinion that all Italians go 'round saying 'Mamma Mia' and constantly misinterpreting common English sayings? Are they???References have been made by several reviewers, such as 'Cristín Leach' that "...the film plays at times like it was commissioned by the Northern England tourist board.", as if the film is making more of the region than is really there. Well, again these are ignorant fallacies based on the subjective opinion of someone who almost certainly hasn't been to the area, probably envious that the North East have managed to do so much with an area previously stricken be mass unemployment and general neglect. Although Newcastle and the surrounding area looked fantastic in the film, I wouldn't say it distracted from the script or overplayed the location any more than other films. If anything, I think it may have been undersold slightly - barely touching on the beautiful coastlines, Northumberland countryside and Newcastle's famous nightlife. The film casually showed the area how it is (or was, in 2001 when it was filmed - the Quayside is rapidly evolving!) - if you live in Newcastle you *do* regularly see the Tyne Bridge, Millennium Bridge and the Angel of the North! The cinematography of the opening credits, going over the Tyne Bridge, was superb.Other derogatory remarks have been made about this film which aren't really worth commenting on. To be fair to the 'critics' I would say some of the performances are a bit wooden. At times Roxborough and Waddell seem to be concentrating more on conveying believable Geordie accents than actually letting the script flow. Patsy Kensit was poorly cast and at times sounded more Welsh than Geordie, but she only played a supporting role and her cringefully poor acting only came out in 2 or 3 scenes. Michael Hodgson's role as Kensit's er... 'partner' was very amusing and deserved equally as much recognition.SPOILER: Angel Thomas plays the virtually silent 6 year old 'Mgala' in the film and makes her first utterance of 'Oh f**k' in the final scene. Although it was quite funny, I feel better timing, phrasing, lack of Patsy Kensit's ridiculous over-acting when she was crying, or SOMETHING could have made this final utterance much, much funnier. The audience were in fits of uncontrolled laughter throughout the film, but it seemed to end on a brief 'chuckle'.To summarise, as chick-flicks go this was quite enjoyable. It wasn't stupidly romantic and, as mentioned, kept the whole cinema in regular fits of laughter. Just don't let the 'critics' influence your opinion of it too much!