Absolutely Fantastic
Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
This is a fine movie - certainly the mst successful and wellknown og the new danish movies (that is within Denmark). I read that someone thought it to be racist... Hornestly that is just BS - and by the way DF only had about 15% of the votes at the last election and although many people want it to be racist it really isn't. It is just thinking more about the danish economy than humanlives (very typical for liberal and capitalistic parties). Racist has something to do with hate and in this movie there were no signs whatsoever of any kind of hate towards anyone.So many people always say that the danish actors are so good, but I really don't see it. Maybe it is because I speak the language and can much easier detect when something sounds a little quirky - whereas I am not as good at English and therefore might have trouble detecting their flaws.
best movie I have ever seen, great humor, great actors, the story it self is hilarious! the ending is quite predictable, but fun anyway. I can't say anything else than see it NOW! Its too fun, especially Lars Kaalunds performance
I think that "Den eneste ene", is a wonderful movie, with great actors. It is not possible to compare Niels Olsen with Mel Gibson, it is not fair.
I don't understand why so many (anonymous!) has written that this is a bad movie. Not since "Olsenbanden ser rødt" have a Danish comedy been so funny. But this is a completely different type of humor. All the characters are funny in their own way. Niels Olsen (Niller) who is comparing everything with his kitchen installation. Paprika Steen (Stella) with her fixation on her married name. Sofie Gråbøl (Mulle) constantly reminding us that she has been studying seven years on psychology, and never finishing a sentence. Obviously she needs a shrink herself. But the most funny guy is Lars Kaalund (Knud). He has so many one liners, that are right in the bulls eye. Especially the one over the shrink question theme: "If you were a car, which one would it be." Finally I mustn't forget Sidse Babett Knudsen (Sus). She both plays and looks wonderful. She and Niller fits very nice together.All the fun fits perfectly into this sweat little story, so don't bother to read all these negative comments. Go see it yourself and have a good laugh.