The Note
The Note
| 08 December 2007 (USA)
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Following a tragic plane crash, newspaper columnist Peyton MacGruder happens upon a hastily-written note that was from one of the passengers onboard. She makes it her mission to deliver it to its intended recipient by Christmas, bringing her readers along for the ride.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
baechter The storyline had so much potential. This could have been a blockbuster movie but in the end, your left feeling it was made for TV and was on a tight production schedule. I teared up a couple times but way too often I was left disappointed by the character development or dialogue. Many of the situations were not believable or lacked the gravity of the moment. Many elements just happened for the sake of continuity but seemed forced and kept me from being drawn into the movie. So many instances that were highly emotional and the actors were not reflecting a convincible or honest level of emotion. Good but not great. I can't recommend it.
Jack Vasen Admittedly, this movie is extremely sappy, or corny. It lays it on pretty thick. But that doesn't mean that some of that emotion doesn't stick to you.The acting is good enough as is the production.The story is a captivating mystery as the viewer longs to see what is the message that a dying man intended for his child. Peyton works her way one by one through the candidates and each one teaches her something about living. If you were really good, you might have seen the answer to the mystery, but I thought the clues were subtle. Unfortunately for me, I already knew the answer because I watched the sequel first.As in the sequel, I didn't get invested in the relationship between Peyton and King, but the movie was really much more than that story.
WasteBot Poorly written story that's internally inconsistent, amongst other problems, including the dialog and acting.Clichés: now, let's write another movie filled with clichés in an hour to dump on TV so the station can sell ad-time to holiday card makers. Halmark and others are losing money to the more enjoyable and personal emails, videos, and photos that can be shared directly without trying to find and pay for a card that sort-of says what you're really trying to say. So, they basically pay for movie length ads, in addition to the more well-known TV shows employing more obvious product placement.The story had potential as a concept, but it's clearly motivated by the desire to promote and sell other things. In short, it's one more reason to limit your TV watching to PBS and Comedy Central and to demand some form of rebate system for the time wasted watching such simplistic stories.
edwagreen Despite a far-fetched coincidence at the end, "The Note" is a wonderful movie.It made me think of the 1952 film, "Phone Call from A Stranger." Again, we're dealing with the after effects of a plane crash. In this film, a reporter retrieves a note left behind from the passenger and tries to determine who the note was intended for.There are 3 possibilities. While each does not pan out, the note has a definite affect on each of the possible recipients- a pastor, a country western singer and the son of a real estate mogul. The last 2 mentioned had falling outs with their parents. The note shows the importance of strong family relationships and the ties that bind. It is also shown that the note could be used for devious means as in the case with the son of the real estate millionaire.With the spirit of the season, this is a timely, well-crafted film. Genie Francis delivers an interesting performance as the reporter. While she searches out the recipient of the note, we see flash-backs of her tragic life revealed.The ending, while too coincidental, comes with the spirit of the season so I will have to forgive the writers.This is still a memorable film and is well worth watching.