The Nightmare Ends on Halloween II
The Nightmare Ends on Halloween II
NR | 13 October 2011 (USA)
The Nightmare Ends on Halloween II Trailers

Freddy Krueger squares off in a savage battle against his peers Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, and Leatherface. Can Freddy survive this ordeal? Or will Pinhead reclaim Freddy's demonic soul?

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
vonofthedead What's the point? It's great to be a super fan, & if you wanna make short films, then do it, just don't bite off more than you can chew. The Krueger shorts were a good idea, and manageable, but Freddy vs Jason vs Michael Myers vs Leatherface featuring Pinhead? That's more than most Hollywood writers can chew. So why bother? If you can't do it right, why do it? At least when it comes to Indie filmmaking. I mean they could've all looked much worse, but Freddy's giant nose, Myers's mask sticking out all weird at the neck, and Leatherface's goblin mask w/giant chin? They were too distracting to ignore. 90%-All of Freddy's dialogue was god awful, and nothing like the character. They used the same trope twice in a row with Myers and Jason both dropping their famous weapon. And Leatherface...ahh it was all pretty bad. It was good for one of these weird Batman Dead End shorts, but overall it was pointless. Oh yeah, and there was ZerO Gore.
Scrius The description says it all and it's about time such a movie came to be! For every fan of the slasher genre, including myself, this is a wish come true. To date there has only ever been one attempt at a slasher monster mash by a major studio and that was "Freddy vs. Jason" released in 2003. This brought the two slasher icons that dominated the 80s, Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees together for an epic showdown. I remember seeing lines of adolescents around the block upon the day of its theatrical release, and I can't say I blame them, because it was so awesome to finally see two different slasher monsters sharing the big screen together. In spite its success however; no major studio has made any further attempts to make a new slasher monster mash. Why is that I ask of everyone? There are plenty of icons as of now to choose from and the possibilities are endless. Until the fateful day arrives when a studio sees fit to take a stand, I have one of my favorite Blinky Production shorts to enjoy; "The Nightmare Ends on Halloween". This short film is composed of two parts. The first was released in 2004 as one of Chris R. Notarile's earliest projects. For his early filmmaking standards, it's truly impressive. Immediately you are put into the mood as Freddy Krueger of "Nightmare on Elm Street" (played then by Richard Myles) presents a monologue about his evil scheme. The opening is akin to the "Freddy Vs. Jason" when Freddy reveals his plan for Jason Voorhees. This time however, it's Michael Myers (played by Joe Davis) of "Halloween" that Freddy plans to wield as his weapon. As far as plot goes there isn't much to talk about, but that was never the purpose of the slasher genre's establishment. It's a genre that was made solely for good horrific fun and that's exactly what Notraile has in store for his fortunate viewers. It was great enough seeing Michael Myers and Freddy Krueger fight to the death, but for the finale we're given not one, but three more famous slasher icons, including Jason Voorhees of "Friday the 13th", Leatherface, of "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and Pinhead of "Hellraiser". That's unbelievable! The lighting was well done, the sets were well selected, the acting was well performed, the costumes and makeup were well made, and the pacing was well arranged. It's a satisfying slasher flick! On it's own the first part was an enjoyable treat and a sequel didn't seem necessary. Little did I realize the surprise that awaited me!Seven years would pass before Part II was made. The first part was already one of my favorite Blinky shorts, so naturally I was stoked upon hearing the exciting news. In most cases, movie sequels don't tend to have the same appeal as the original. Such is not the case when it comes to Blinky Productions. Chris R. Notraile's filmmaking skills have progressed a great deal with time and it shows in "Nightmare Ends on Halloween Part II". The pacing is quicker and there is more focus on action than plot development, but I believe Part I has that covered. As far as quality goes, Part II is superior in every aspect to its predecessor. It continues directly where the first part left off with a refreshing new cast. Including Hector De La Rosa and Jerry Todisco as Jason Voorhees, Anthony Palmisano as Leatherface, Josh Rothman as Michael Myers, and Kevin Lennon as Pinhead. Chris R. Notarile is the only returning cast member as the voice of Pinhead, which is great for the character and captures the essence of Doug Bradley in "Hellraiser". For me however, the main attraction was Roberto Lombardi as the dream demon himself Freddy Krueger, who is absolutely perfect for the role. He is both funny and terrifying, exactly as Freddy should be. A perfectly bended comedic horror! He also bears an uncanny resemblance to Robert Englund, the actor who portrayed Wes Craven's famous icon throughout the whole of the "Nightmare on Elm Street" franchise. Any fan of Englund has got to love Roberto Lombardi's performance. Simply Outstanding! In the recent "Nightmare on Elm Street" remake, Jackie Earle Haley played Freddy. While a decent choice he didn't have the same appeal as Robert Englund. If Lombardi was casted, it definitely would have been more true to the original Wes Craven film and it would no doubt have been a more enjoyable experience. Roberto Lombardi was also the star of Notarile's "Krueger: A Tale From Elm Street" which I highly recommend giving a watch as well. Lombardi has the makings of an excellent villainous actor! How does Chris R. Notarile keep finding all these talented people I wonder? The rest of the cast does a great job in capturing the terrifying essence of the silent slasher icons. They have no dialogue and rely solely on menacing presence, which is executed just right. Again there is little to explain as far as plot goes, but the slasher icons have a spectacular battle that I could never tire of watching. I loved the pacing, the editing, the cinematography, and the sets reflected the original movies where the characters originated. It wraps up with a satisfying conclusion that resolves the story. If you haven't seen it already it, check it out! It's good horrific fun and one of my favorite films of Blinky Productions. "The Nightmare Ends on Halloween" is one hell of a ride!
scottgeiter First thing I want to say chris Notarile has the talent And he does it again what a brilliant short I absolutey Love it you have ( Freddy ) ( Michael ) ( Jason ) and ( Leatherface ) Last but not least ( Pinhead ) picture them all in the same room Enough said now Roberto Lombardi had a major task To play Freddy with his style well guess what he nailed it Fantastic job Jason was brilliant , Michael myers brilliant , leatherface brilliant , pinhead was brilliant and yes even the voice of pinhead was brilliant All in all a must see and a surprise at the end So go ahead take a look gruesome won't steer you wrong Grab some popcorn and let it rip Fun , fun , fun
DDPhilly For an early effort made at the start of his career in 2004, Chris R. Notarile managed to make an enjoyable, interesting and well made short film called "The Nightmare Ends on Halloween". The fact that it was shot on home video is further proof of how good it was and showed promise of the talented filmmaker that Notarile would become.The only drawback to the original film was that, at that time, a suitable pool of good actors wasn't available to Mr. Notarile.Fast forward seven years and the sequel "The Nightmare Ends on Halloween II" not only outshines, but buries the first film. The evidence is the fact that the ending of the original film has been completely re shot for Part II and then leads directly into the battle! Compare the two versions of this scene. It's obvious Part II is far superior! The first thing you notice is how professional everything is. Superior lighting, camera work, editing and direction. The story is less talk and all action from the start! Action fans will love the fight scenes and horror fans will appreciate Notarile's attention to detail both in characters and story.Regarding the acting - OMG what an improvement! Hector De La Rosa, Anthony Palmisano, Josh Rothman and Jerry Todisco don't even have dialogue, but they totally nail the essence of Jason, Michael and Leatherface. Kevin Lennon completely embodies Pinhead (with fantastic Pinhead voice by Notarile) and Roberto Lombardi is absolutely perfect as Freddy Krueger! Lombardi plays Freddy more as a homage instead of flat out copying Robert Englund, while portraying the character his way! This film and "Krueger (A Tale from Elm Street) are proof that Notarile and Lombardi can handle this material and the fans seem to agree!