The Night Train to Kathmandu
The Night Train to Kathmandu
| 05 June 1988 (USA)
The Night Train to Kathmandu Trailers

A young girl leaves for Nepal with her parents and brother. She is unhappy to leave her home at first, but soon isn't when she meets a handome young man. The story unfolds into a romantic and daring quest in search of the "Invisible City."

WiseRatFlames An unexpected masterpiece
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
kevee1 This was one of my favorite movies. I was 14 when it came out, and I watched it over, and over, and over again!! There's not much to it, but it was exactly that, the "sweet simplicity" of the fairy tale type storyline that I loved, and still love. Back then I didn't even know who Milla was...I just thought she was so cool after I saw this film. Plus you have to admit, the scenery is pretty amazing. In fact it was after watching that I became very interested in traveling to India one day. Perhaps even riding that same train line through the mountains to Kathmandu. The only disappointing thing I find, is that it only exists on VHS. I only have a DVD player!! I guess it's just not popular enough to make putting it on DVD worthwhile. Well, even though it's not an incredible hit of a movie, I would still recommend it as a good wholesome family film!
cutyjoyce Well, let me start by saying that I was probably 10 or 11 when I watched the movie for the first time, and by that time I just thought it was great. It is a really good movie. It is about 2 teenagers that fall in love with each other, however they do not end up together, I have to admit that is really sad!! I do not remember pretty well, but I think that he was a prince and he lived in an unknown place, then, he asked her to come with him, but she hesitated about it, and finally let him go to his kingdom.I think that not everybody knows that Milla Jovovich starred in this movie, that was one of the first movies that she starred and I really liked it.
aurexii By far one of Milla Jovovich's best films.I first saw it when i was around 9 or 10 and watched it over and over.It has pretty much everything in it, adventure, romance, drama,etc..This is the film that got me into foreign films even though I'm not sure how foreign it is, this is also one of the movies that got me into studying foreign cultures and customs. It's definitely a great story and something the whole family can watch together.The scenery is awesome, i love the way the movie plays out , you never know whats going to happen(well the first time you see it anyway :)).I don't wanna say too much more or i'll just end up spoiling it for you. You really need to see this movie to understand how great it is!
TPK When I first saw "The 5th Element," I kept thinking, "Where have I seen her before? Those eyes..." Then I remembered. There was a little movie, romantic, suspenseful, beautiful, very mystical, that I'd seen nearly a decade before called "Night Train to Kathmandu," starring a very young Milla Jovovich. This is a truly remarkable movie.