The Night of the Living Duck
The Night of the Living Duck
| 23 September 1988 (USA)
The Night of the Living Duck Trailers

After indulging in horror comic book reading, Daffy has a dream where he is singing in a nightclub for monsters.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Edgar Allan Pooh . . . literal-minded viewers might scream at their screens as the end credits roll for one of the final Looney Tunes of the 1900s, THE NIGHT OF THE LIVING DUCK. When a clock falls from his comic book shelf, conking Daffy Duck on the noggin and transporting him to LA LA LAND, he has no trouble tracking down Frankenstein and his Bride, along with Dracula and HIS brides, not to mention The Mummy, The Fly, various Ghosts and Ghoulies, Smogzilla--even Alfred E. Neuman pops up here and there for 37 cents worth of Product Placement. But there's never a trace of George Romero's slow-moving Zombies, or even Rob's fast ones. Instead, cartoon fans are treated to the sonorous (or is it somnolent?) golden tones of a sleep-walking Mel Torme Sashing out (which I believe is the opposite of "belting out") some never-ending lyric about "Monsters Lead Such Interesting Lives." Surely this is a clear case of Daffy being saddled with at least one "Mel" too many!
Movie Nuttball This short is a special feature is on before the classic Daffy Duck's Quckbuster movie! I thought that the characters were really funny and all had great personalities. The animation in My opinion was crisp, clean, and really clear. Not to mention beautiful! Most of the characters in this show are hilarious Looney Tunes characters that we all love. in My opinion these characters are the funnies and talented ever seen. In fact, The things that goes on in this series' cartoons are in My opinion nuts which that is what makes them hilarious! There are so many to like and laugh at and the silly things they do! If you like the original Looney Tunes then I strongly recommend that you buy the film today!
Shawn Watson This late-80's cartoon is quite easy-going but not that funny. Still, it's Daffy Duck and he's very cute. It begins with Daffy reading a horror comic book (having already read his Mad Magazine) and going crazy when he can't find the second issue of a two-part cliffhanger. In his desperate search a heavy clock falls off his bookcase and whacks him on the head. Now begins a dream sequence in which Daffy is a lounge singer for all the classic movie monsters including Dracula, Frankenstein's monster and his bride, the wolfman, creature from the black lagoon, Leatherface and er...Alfred E. Neuman.Daffy gets over his nerves by swallowing a few cloudbursts of voice tonic, which does wonders for his lisp, thus turning him (almost) into Frank Sinatra. He then sings an easy-going song called 'Monsters Lead Such Interesting Lives' which seems to make everyone happy. As his dream ends he finds his missing comic and all is well. A strange, offbeat Looney Tunes short indeed and a rather somber note for Mel Blanc to go out on. This cartoon was part of Daffy's feature-length Quackbusters cartoon.
Robert Reynolds I've debated reviewing this one because I generally don't like to discuss significant details, instead preferring to go into atmosphere and general discussion. But this cartoon has one pint that I have to discuss directly, and since there is no plot outline, it can be considered a spoiler. You are forewarned. The cartoon is principally given over to Daffy as nightclub performer to an audience straight out of Universal, for the most part: Dracula, Frankenstein and others. Spraying his throat with Eau de Torme (yes, Mel Torme), Daffy, voiced by Torme, sings,"Monsters Lead Such Interesting Lives". An otherwise unremarkable cartoon is made noteworthy by the voice of the Velvet Fog! The idea still enchants me some twelve years later! It's also why I gave it a nine rather than the seven it would have had otherwise. Mel Torme, I salute you!