The Naked Brothers Band: The Movie
The Naked Brothers Band: The Movie
| 23 October 2005 (USA)
The Naked Brothers Band: The Movie Trailers

After making it to the top of the charts, members of the Silver Boulders, a popular tween rock band, find themselves undermined by internal squabbling as the bandmates seek different creative directions.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
kitty_angel I was pleasantly surprised when I saw the movie, "The Naked Brothers Band"! I was a bit drawn away from the whole "naked" aspect of the name, but since I figured that it can't be bad if it's on Nickelodeon, I watched it anyway. As it figures, the movie just grew on me- as did the series, too! 10-year-old Nat has such a beautiful and pitch-perfect voice (well, unless he's trying to sound older), and the lyrics have nothing to do with "getting low", which is very refreshing from what many teens have on their iPods! So many people are saying that he sounds like a girl in a negative way. As a vocalist, I really have to disagree- Nat has a beautiful, pure voice that is looked upon in the music world! It is gorgeous and rich and I can definitely see him making a career out of it in the future! 6-year-old Alex plays the drums like a child prodigy- and the backup singers are great too. There's really nothing to complain about! Nat Wolff is also a brilliant songwriter; his songs are artistic, and are superbly written. The lyrics are catchy, sweet, and well thought out! I am extremely impressed with such talent coming from 6 and 9 year olds. They're not your average children! Polly Draper's nicely written screenplay is so cute and delightfully funny and wonderfully directed. The whole "mock-umentary" is about what it would be like to have children in the place of adult rock stars. The children deal will bands breaking up, being exploited on television, dealing with addictions (at one point in the movie, hilariously, Alex become addicted to lemon-lime soda before going on a cruise to get himself to stop, where he changes his habits to drinking milk, which sort of alludes to rock stars and alcohol,) and many other difficulties. This movie is definitely laugh-out-loud funny, especially the way the kids deal with adult situations! And that embarrassing Dad character (played by Nat and Alex's actual dad) just can't be beat- he's obsessed with his accordion and tries to get a solo in every single song. At one point, he even tries to join his sons' band! It was very cool how many of the family's relatives were worked into the movie- every time you see a "Draper" in the credits, someone from the family was in the movie! Way cool! If you enjoy mockumentaries and can appreciate good music- this one is a must-see! Impressive!
Wackd_w_apostrophe Naked Brothers Band...what can I say? I can't say the plot was original. If you want to see a good band mockumentary, rent The Rutles.I can't say the songs were good. I suppose, for a 9-year-old, they were okay. Not the best music I've ever heard, but what did I expect? They're nine.I can't say that it would make a good little-kids film. Alex Wolff was just over-the-top. He got some good lines, but I can't honestly say that getting him drunk on Lemon-Lime Sprite made me laugh. It was too stupid. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's when they get a child character "drunk" on a not-even-close-to-alcoholic substance to avoid controversy.I can't say it was realistic. I knew that the whole thing was faked, and that the kids weren't really famous. But the fangirls and those guys who hadn't talked until the "Silver Boulders" came along were just over-the-top. Not even remotely believable, and not funny either.So why 7-out-of-10? The characters were original, and delivered their lines in a way that could've been actual documentary dialog. The minor characters, like the head of the album place, had funny lines. The manager was really funny, and so were the over-the-top parents complaining about censorship. What I want to know is what happened to Cole Hawkins, the Cheerios-commercial guy, and when that Quaasim kid stepped in. Cole was funnier, if not as prominent.All in all, it's a good laugh if you have nothing better to do one of these nights. It's not top notch, but not horse $#*+ either
dawnficarra This movie is awesome! The kids in this movie are gifted! Have you ever seen a six year old play the drums perfectly? Well if you watch the movie you will! And Nate Wollf is so hot even though he is two years older then me. But the movie is about a band called the Golden Boulders and when the band brakes up the brothers Nate and Alex go into depression.Me and my friends loved it because it was funny,cool and cute!Like Nate is in love with this girl Roselina and when ever she goes up to him he talks in a British accent because he wants to be like the Beatls!Over all it is just a great movie with a good ending and you should watch it on Feb. second at 8:00 on Nickalloden!
ajaws4ever Nat's singing voice sucks. His songs make so sense at all. They're creative, I have to admit, but they just make no sense and they're all about the most random things you could think of. 'Crazy Car'? 'Motormouth'? Come on! Those are so corny. Like I said, Nat's singing voice sucks. His normal voice is awesome, but his singing voice sounds hoarse and rough for one song, girly for another, and a very bad heavy metal rock voice for another song.Alex's drumming, however, is awesome. He has a really rare gift and he's using it for something so crappy. He should dump his own band and move to professional rock bands like Evanescence and All American Rejects and Green Day and other bands. "He's easily the best drummer in the world." (Nat Wolff, preview for 'The Naked Brothers Band' movie). And that's the only thing I agree with Nat on. Alex Wolff is the best drummer in the world.Also, the movie has extreme sexual immaturity, potty mouth, even a blocked out 'S' word, USED BY NAT HIMSELF! Why isn't this movie rated R for potty language and sexually vulgar humor? Okay, it shouldn't be rated R, but it should be PG-13. The TV's rating is Y7, not TV14! Come on! But Rosalina and Nat (I'm saying another nice thing about Nat) are the only ones that bring actual maturity to this movie.The middle was somewhat shocking...if you were paying attention.Overall, a crappy band, and an okay movie and TV show. But the movie is so much worse than the TV show series, but it's still okay.My MPAA rating: PG-13: potty language and some sexually vulgar humor**1/2 out of ***** 5/10