The Mooring
The Mooring
R | 01 February 2013 (USA)
The Mooring Trailers

Every 40 seconds a person goes missing. In northern Idaho, a group of teenage girls attended a summer camp to help them connect with nature without technology. They were told it would be a summer of change. As the girls' houseboat is suddenly stranded in the middle of the river an odd couple comes to their aid. What was suppose to be an act of kindness turns deadly as the girls find themselves on the run, being pursued through the forest by a brutal and determined killer.

Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Michael Ledo The Mooring comes across as two separate films. The first half consists of a group of giggly young girls going camping/boating. They are all in trouble due to their addiction to the electronic media: i.e shyness, accident while texting, cyber bullying, writing Amazon reviews etc. They give up the gizmo world and are assigned tasks like "write a hand written letter" or play a board game...things they have difficult doing. I really liked this aspect of the movie as the effect the electronic media has had on society still lacks data points.This was a way to build character and to eliminate cell phones before it digresses into a bad abduction story with a guy who plays violent video games and has trouble relating to people.The main problem I had was there were too many girls to get to know. It was difficult to establish all those characters. The second problem I had was that the first half of the picture was pretty darn decent as a separate film. I resented the second half as it didn't meet with my formulaic expectations: The girls learn skills and then bond and combine their skills to "Rambo" their foe. Instead the second half was a second rate human prey film.For several of the actresses, this was their first film, apparently college drama students. They did a first rate job, perhaps having lived the early roles that they played. Having said that, if you expect a horror film, expect one with more screams then horror. There is really no suspense or terror factor. Might work as a fright film for young teen girls.Parental Guide: No f-bombs, sex, or nudity.
Ezekial Ham I watched it it stays boring but sort of picks up at the 45 minute mark. At the end of the movie i was just like ..... what was it even about? like nothing omfg im left so speechless with the 90 minutes of my life this movie just stole that i have nothing to say. There was no creativity absolutely no character growth or defining plot. When they died i did not care because there was no build up to any of the girls. The killers motivation and back story of the buck toothed hooker looking chick was not delved into. I wanted to know her motivation for what she did at the end. Im so glad i did not pay to see this movie or i would be very angry with myself. This movie is not even worth the cheap cardboard DVD box it is contained in. I rated this movie a one because unfortunately there is not a zero. I would like to add one so that this movie could get the rating it deserves. All this movie is is a turd somebody laid in the toilet that was badly in need of a flushing and was left because the one who laid it forgot about it. Avoid this movie like the plague i wish i could sue the creators for theft of my lifespan. So long 90 minutes of my life heed this warning viewers i don't want you to loose 90 minutes of your life to this pointless horribly thought out uninspiring piece of garbage. And to the girls who acted in this movie just remember some jobs are better left off of your resume.
Joe_Crisan OK, I'll keep it short.The good?+ The teenagers were actually teenagers. Unlike other films where the teenagers are played by twenty- or thirty-somethings, this actually used teenage-looking girls.+ Variety. The girls were believable as a mixed group of teenagers, with none being too pretty or perfect lookingThe bad?+ The plot could have been decent, but turns out pretty thin+ One survivor - really?+ The ending? eh.+ The setting - cliché.
maryfeather80 I just saw this movie and at first i thought that it was not worth my time because it took a lot of time to get to the point..The cast is unknown except Thomas Wilson Brown who was pretty good at his part.In my opinion they should have cast another known actor so that the movie attracts more people.The blonde teacher was unknown to me,i didn't recognize her from any movies that I've watched.The bad thing about the film was the shaky camera which hurt my eyes a bit and the fact that the place that the girls went to camp was not appropriate because it was in the middle of the jungle so it is natural that something bad will happen and who goes somewhere unknown without at least a cellphone??It's like you're waiting it to happen..The ending for me was predictable but then again I've seen so many movies so i should know by now how some of them may end.I recommend this movie because low budged films deserve a chance and not everything has to be Hollywood perfect.