The Miracle of Bern
The Miracle of Bern
| 16 October 2003 (USA)
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The movie deals with the championship-winning German soccer team of 1954. Its story is linked with two others: The family of a young boy is split due to the events in World War II, and the father returns from Russia after eleven years. The second story is about a reporter and his wife reporting from the tournament.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
audreylaforet I did not like this movie because the story of this film is boring. The action-scenes is not very good and the music is boring. Don't waste your time watching this movie.
MW32 I have no doubt that the 1954 World Cup win for Germany was important to a nation trying to move out of the shadow of Nazism and the deserved defeat they suffered in World War II. This movie does a fairly good job of conveying that emotion, and of depicting life in a poor town less than a decade after Hitler. I also liked the music, which was supportive without being overly dramatic or emotional. Much of the acting was also good.I can't say the same for the script or plot, which were predictable (I don't mean the historic truth of the World Cup, of course, but the fictional family developments), highly sentimental, and annoyingly manipulative. The father was a cardboard character whose actions I didn't believe for a second, and what he did to provide a dinner for his wife was totally implausible. If the movie was aimed at eight-year-olds who need something completely lacking in subtlety, so that every plot point is as obvious as a road sign, then it succeeded. Adults, though, will find it as thin as onionskin.The trip by father and son to Bern for the final match cheated by having them drive through gorgeous Alpine scenery, when a real trip would not have been anything like so beautiful. If filmmakers will cheat on something like that to get an easy reaction from the audience, they'll cheat on everything.
Juan Carlos Peralta I have seen this movie on November 2005 in an European Cinema Festival in Lima. It was really excellent, and I'm purchasing it on The digital making of Wankdorf Stadion in Bern was awesome, and the story was touching. The performing of the final was a surprise, because before it, no football scene had been seen in the movie. Only one mistake: the boy went with his father from Germany to Bern by car (borrowed from a priest), but they returned by train. What happened to the car of the infortunate priest? Nevertheless, if you are a football fan, don't miss it and PURCHASE IT FROM AMAZON.DE!!! The DVD does have Spanish subtitles.
kraemerdenis Although I had some very high hopes for this movie, I was utterly disappointed. Maybe I had expected a nice sports-flick like the hilarious "Fußball ist unser Leben", I definitely did not expect such a shallow review of every single German post-war cliché. Count them, they are all there: the shell-shocked husband returning from a decade of Soviet labour camps, the wife who has grown independent in the meantime by having to run the family business plus the family itself, the son turned communist due to disgust for the crimes of his father's generation (and I would have liked to see that person put up communist party posters in a pub in the early 50ies, even in the Ruhr area... tar and feathers, anyone?). Add to that the entire "Wonder" of Bern myth (a fabrication of later decades) and the net result is a not too entertaining fairy-tale. If you want to see a good "sports" movie, watch "Fussball ist unser Leben" or, if soccer is not up your alley, "Major League". If you want to get a closer look at post-war Germany, there are also better movies around.