The Matriarch
The Matriarch
| 14 September 2007 (USA)
The Matriarch Trailers

Martta and Otto are a pair of traveling tailors who claim to be bastard descendants of the Romanovs and wander from town to town in Finland seeking work, accompanied by their two half-witted adult sons, Hippo, Repe and equally silly son-in-law Ventti. The family occasionally turns to crime when they can't quite make ends meet, and the boys begin turning to violence with greater frequency when Otto weakens and Martta becomes the head of the family business. Their fortunes take an unexpected turn when the brothers assault and abduct a man they call Kaspar, who becomes the family's sidekick in their travels. Despite Kaspar's inability to speak, he attracts Martha's youngest daughter, an attractive young woman named Lara, but the family is in disarray when a long-lost half-brother, Laszlo, suddenly re-emerges and tries to wrest control of the clan away from his mother.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Gautier M I get a Finnish copy of this movie with Italian and English's a shame that this movie didn't get more attention because : - the picture and the music are great - the plot is very non-typical - there is no boring sex or conventional violence - it's a mix of irony and tales in a nutshell this movie is a little bit like a johnny Depp or Kusturica's movies.I should admit that this movie have some lack (Maybe because of its low budget) some better actors should have been hired, some characters should have been better elaborated and some part of the scenario also. nevertheless it didn't prevent me to dream
daorbaa Beginning and the base of the story was interesting, and going on fine. Then when Laszlo (Frantzen) comes back to family, the story starts to change more to some gangster stuff... and also Laszlo's character is widely annoying and idiotic, and I didn't realize why he is speaking such a stupid way, and not sounding natural at all. Well... gangsters comes even more, little fighting, good against the evil. Kind of basic story. Not to much humor inside as I was expecting. Some ultra cheesy singing parts and music in this film made want to skip the end totally; just too much sentimental crap. I didn't even care anymore how it will end, what will happen. It's easy to imagine anyway. Of course movie was not full of bad stuff. Some acting and film shooting is very well made, and this movie actually had some nice idea. Only how it became after all wasn't a success.
Julia Alifanova Loved the whole thing. The story of a young man that gets hit in the head and starts his life anew, like a baby - learning to walk, to talk, to feel, and the last but not the least, to understand - is simple but appealing.And although the plot and settings are strictly fairy-tale and timeless (like, what the people are wearing, their caravans, some of the speeches, and the guy named Laszlo from head to toe) you still want to believe what is happening on the screen. Of course one can enjoy watching more once he knows the background of the Koppelo family's story and have an idea of what Lieksa, the movie's Neverland or Oz, whatever, really is like. Then it comes clear that the caravan is actually going nowhere. Another wasted dream.10 points to the team who made the movie.
Irene Taipale When Lieksa! first premiered in Finland I almost went to the theater to watch it, but after hearing a lot of comments about how the movie had some nice camera angles and such, but that it was really weird and didn't have a plot, I didn't go. But when I heard the theme song "While your lips are still red" I started to want to see the film. Then after a little while I heard that the movie was wonderful from one person and I bought the film. I watched and loved it. The film was visually beautiful and had a simple meaning that many people don't seem to understand. The Koppelo family believe that their grandmother was the lover of the last tsar of Russia. They've settled to live in Pyhäselkä, but in the beginning of the movie they are deported and they have to find a new place to live in. They leave towards Lieksa, the town of dreams. In the mean time a drunken man is driving and his car crashes with the Koppelos' van. The drunken man loses his memory and the Koppelo family take him with them. They name the man Kasper. Kasper falls in love with Lara, the daughter of the leader of the group. Kasper doesn't say anything during the movie, until in the last few minutes. The Koppelo family encounter a huge problem, Lazslo, a member of the group that left them years ago returns and wants Lara to be his bride. Lara fells in love with him, because her relationship with Kasper isn't going anywhere. Lazslo later on turns out to be a traitor once again and wants to destroy the whole group. The Koppelo family does get rid of Lazslo and his helpers in the end. The Koppelos head out to Lieksa before the winter. When they arrive at Lieksa, two of their group visit Lieksa while the others wait outside the town. After they return, they announce that Lieksa is too great for them. There was more action in one day at Lieksa than in their whole lives before. (Lieksa is actually one of the smallest and most insignificant towns in Finland)So the point in my opinion is that the thing that you try so very much to get, might not be that great after all. There were some faults, like when men dressed as women and you were supposed to laugh and for some the movie might be too unclear to follow. But on the whole, Lieksa! left me a great fairy tale-like feeling and I really enjoyed watching it. Markku Pölönen did a great job in my opinion and would deserve a lot more credit for the film than he did. I recommend Lieksa! to anyone who enjoys realism and fairy tales mixed in a love story9/10 (Sorry if I made spelling mistakes, I'm Finnish)
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