The Love Trap
The Love Trap
| 04 August 1929 (USA)
The Love Trap Trailers

A chorus girl loses her job and thus the room she owes back rent on, and ends up being rescued from the street by a dashing rich man. But his family isn't over-accepting of chorus girls joining their family.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
jjnxn-1 Pleasant concoction is a story as old as the hills of a family of snobs thinking the true blue girl their son marries on a whim is a no good gold-digger until proved wrong. A bit of an odd viewing experience since half way through the film it switches from silent to sound but Wyler's sure handed direction keeps it from being too jarring. It is interesting how in the silent portion the tone is set by shadows and the mood of a scene but after the dialog becomes the agent of explanation. It must have been a disconcerting balancing act for the actors involved but they handle it pretty well. Laura La Plante is enjoyable in the lead, a big star in silents who did make a successful transition to sound but moved to England shortly after this made a few films there and retired.
silentmoviefan To my surprise, I really liked this film. From the title, I thought it'd be mundane, even dull, but it really wasn't! The whole cast was great. This movie is a part talkie and, like I guess in most part-talkies, the talking part hits you all of a sudden. Also, it strikes me a bit odd when Neil Hamilton enters the home he grew up in and calls the butler "Butler", but, other than that I really don't have any complaints. Laura LaPlante stars as a chorus girl who really isn't up to snuff, so she's fired and a "friend" (I'm not sure she's that much of a friend due to her actions) invites her to a party where women are basically professional escorts. She gets hit on pretty heavily by a couple of men (one you'll see later) and ends up in the rain in the street with her possessions. That when she meets Neil Hamilton, who is riding in a cab and comes to her rescue. He comes from "money". They get married and Mom and Sis come to meet her. The impression is less-than-stellar when it's discovered that Laura had been a chorus girl. It's not even that good when one of the men who hit on her (Neil Hamilton's uncle, played by the ill-fated Norman Trevor) discover her. The uncle thinks she's a not-very-nice girl morally. (Of course, he's a fine one to talk!) Neil invites Mom, Sis and Unc over to dinner. They don't show up. Neil calls to find out why and is informed by their butler that his mother is sick. Laura knows what's really going on, but Neil chastises her for her attitude and goes to see his sick mother. Laura is feeling a little sad and her "friend" calls. Laura asks her to come see her. The "friend", who is at a party, gets the bright idea to bring the whole aggregation over to see her. (With friends like that...) Neil finds out rather quickly that his mother was lying. He convinces her and her uncle to come see his wife, who he assumes is there alone. This is after the uncle gives his opinion and gets slapped in the face! They get there and there's all these people. That doesn't set well with any of them. The uncle advised Neil to take his mother home and decides to bribe Laura out of marrying his nephew. Laura, however, manages to trick the uncle and get Neil back on her side. I'll let you see how.
sunlily Along with "Directed by William Wyler," was this rare half silent, half talkie starring Laura La Plante and Neil Hamilton. I liked Laura from "The Cat and the Canary" and "Showboat," and she proved that she could be a good little comedienne in this one.The first part, and the best in my opinion, is silent. The constraints of early sound made the second half stiff and contrived. The voices were out of sync in places. Laura is a wide-eyed little chorus girl who improbably meets wealthy and handsome Neil as she has been thrown out of her room with all her belongings, and is sitting on the curb. Of course it begins to rain! His taxi passes by, splashes her with muddy water, and he falls for her right then and there. Now that happens every day! But in these fluffy little movies, it did in fact happen every day! It was all in good fun! Laura had a very expressive face that was made for silents, and she's proved her "acting chops" in the three movies that I've seen her in. Neil Hamilton was quite attractive, and had good chemistry with her.During the second and sound half, Paul's (Hamilton's) uncle recognizes Evelyn (La Plante) from a wild party, and tries to sabotage their marriage. She sets a trap for him to vindicate herself with Paul, and show the uncle's hypocrisy. He had been at the party, a place that he shouldn't have been, but because he's an aristocrat and she's just a poor little chorus girl, he feels she isn't good enough for his nephew. Plus he's misconstrued an incident that happened at the party.Sound like a familiar scenario? Of course there's the typical happy ending. But I enjoyed the first half of the movie where all the real acting takes place, and it was interesting to see this early Wyler effort. But I can only give it a 6 out of 10. They should have included a better Wyler endeavor in this package.
blue-7 What a delightful, romantic comedy. THE LOVE TRAP sparkles under William Wyler's direction. Wyler earned fame over his career as a tough director to work for, but one that made actors look good. This is certainly evident in this late silent-part talkie, in the case of Laura La Plante, whom I had only seen previously in THE CAT AND THE CARNARY. She is quite wonderful and her co-star, Neil Hamilton makes a strong romantic lead. I chuckled all the way through this fun film, finding it full of nice little twists to a familiar kind of story. The print on the Kino release is very nice. Also included in the excellent DIRECTED BY WILLIAM WYLER documentary that was co-produced by Wyler's daughter, Catherine.