The Lost World
The Lost World
NR | 01 February 1999 (USA)
The Lost World Trailers

A group of unlikely allies are assembled to go on an expedition deep within the Amazon forest in search of new discoveries.

Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Edwin The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
winkie-2 Its now September 2005, and I'm totally hooked. Missed this show when it was on originally but woke up early one morning and discovered this delightful tongue-in-cheek adventure. Of course the plots are silly, the acting will win no awards, but the chemistry of the characters is THERE. Will Snow, Rachel Blakely tease; Jennifer and David have you wondering; I, too, keep looking for that delightful "old" man; and I love waiting for the next "Challenger" brainstorm (the episode where he lost his memory was a standout). I recently saw Rachel B in a disaster-type cruise ship movie but am wondering where they all are now.I get up 90 minutes earlier than I need to in order to start my day off with coffee and a smile. I wish I could find the DVD for all the episodes for this has really become one of my favorites. Does anyone know where I can get them?
flute_ian There is only one reason to stare at this: JO. And the character is appealing: she is "nice". Good lesson for dreadful TV producers like Rick Berman. More good points: great sense of humour in the writing and directing. Good casting. Good production values technically. Bad points: Far too violent, and in the non self-reflective way. Our heroes slice and dice all manner of life forms and this feels very good to them, which is a very bad example to set for children from the ages of 2 to...(how old are Cheney and the Bushboy?)...99. Storylines? Apart from the aforementioned humour they are irrelevant. As I say, just get on your exercise bike/treadmill for an hour and stare at JO, who is "cheekily" photographed from every possible angle, in every possible bodily position, and often with fluids applied, like water whenever possible, bee honey, or green slime which she gently massages into her cleavage. What can you do, really?
nytebyte At least that is the strong impression I got from the episode I just saw.The episode begins with two men being chased through the forest, with Black "natives" chasing them. The heroes blow the away what turns out are BLACK CANNIBALS. What an age-old and horribly racist stereotype. You would think by the 21st century we'd be past such brazen bigotry. At one point one of the main characters complains [in the midst of cavalierly blowing away Black cannibal one after the other], "This place is INFESTED with 'em!" as though they were cockroachs, or vermin of some sort.It seems not much has changed in "entertainment". Movies before the 50's were packed with such stigmatizing, defaming, and historically inaccurate depictions of Black people. And "The Lost World" seems to be keeping that racist legacy alive.
TroyAir Anyone born before 1980 has probably seen Doug McClure's movie which sent a modern man to a prehistoric world where above-ground dwellers were civilized and underground dwellers were ape-ish, poor-sighted creatures that preyed on the above-ground dwellers. And then there was a smattering of dinosaurs, too.There were several different variations of this theme, such as the Saturday morning show "Land of The Lost". This movie is just as cheesy and fun to watch and the actors are much more attractive. The actress that plays the native princess reminds me of Sonia Braga, the actress who plays Dr. Cruz reminds me of a brunette Kathleen Turner from "Romancing the Stone", and the actress who plays "Veronica", a Jane-like blonde jungle girl, is particularly striking. The 4 male leads are stereotypical as well - the dapper older gentleman professor, the adventurous scientist, the big game hunter, and the dashing young balloon pilot who strikes up a romance with Veronica. And as can be expected, the plot moves along pretty quickly, not delving too deeply into the philosophical aspects of disrupting a native culture (one of the things a true scientist would avoid) or removing animal species from their natural habitat (a concept which probably didn't exist during the Victorian era, when this story was developed by the man who wrote "Sherlock Holmes").Some blood (gunshot wounds to the Missing Link ape-like creatures who kidnap the native princess and attack the adventurers), no harsh language, no nudity, no sex, nothing risque, nothing particularly frightening.The special effects are good enough, though some artistic license is used in the dinosaur chase scene and in the scene where the pterodactyl attacks the scientist who steals the dinosaur egg, but this can be forgiven as this movie really wasn't intended to be very realistic anyway (we all know that a bullet does a bit more damage to human tissue than just leave a spot the size of a dab of ketchup).I would expect a sequel to be written and hopefully it will be light-hearted fun, too. Although I do wish the costumer would re-do Veronica's outfits - I prefer the outfit Maureen O'Sullivan wore in "Tarzan And His Mate" - more hip, less fabric. And the intrepid explorers were terribly overdressed for a steamy jungle climate - long pants, high boots, and long coats must be terribly uncomfortable. But, then again this is a Victorian-era tale and that's probably what proper English gentlefolk wore when traipsing through the bush.Worth a watch if you don't mind technical inaccuracies.