The Lost Missile
The Lost Missile
| 01 December 1958 (USA)
The Lost Missile Trailers

A missile from parts unknown enters an orbit only 5 miles above Earth's surface and, due to friction from its intense speed through our atmosphere, proceeds to incinerate everything in its immediate wake.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Joanna Mccarty Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
Billie Morin This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Ortiz Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
thestarkfist What movie did you guys watch? Quick rule of thumb, if the movie starts out with a deadly serious-voiced narrator and he continues to appear throughout the flick in order to tell the audience what's going on because there's no way in hell that they'd be able to follow it without're not watching a classic, unless what you're talking about is a classic piece of crap! Another clue that a movie is a big waste of time and money is if it requires tons of stock footage just to drag the time out so it can qualify as a feature length presentation. The only padding trick this pile of dreck lacks is a visit to a nightclub where an attractive lady eats up another 5 minutes belting out a peppy show tune. Dreadfully under-budgeted and saddled with lackluster direction, the movie features brief clips of some poorly conceived and executed "special" effects sandwiched between long, drawn-out episodes of "drama" that would have been laughably bad on a daytime soap opera. The acting comes in two flavors: deadpan and overblown. Maybe the reason that all the sci-fi geeks like this flick is because it features an appearance of that beloved science fiction stereotype; the scientist that wants the deaths to continue in the vain hope that they can communicate with the alien menace!! What fun! Near as I can figure the moral of this movie is that all the selfish women out there should stop bitching that their scientist husbands and boyfriends are too busy working 7 days a week building lots of nukes to be by their side for the birth of their child or marry them! C'mon ladies! The ending is unintentionally hilarious as our scientist hero drives a rod of deadly plutonium through the panicked streets of New York City in order to deliver it in time to their new super duper Job rocket, the only rocket able to get close enough to the alien missle to blow it up. One would get the impression that the transportation of dangerous radioactive material through am major metropolitan area is routine. Believe me, it's not. It has never been allowed, ever. Now, mind you, they have already established that helicopters are transporting all the eggheads out of NYC in order to protect their brilliant skulls, but nobody thinks to fly the plutonium to its destination. Ludicrous. So, wouldn't you know that while our hero speeds along the highway with his deadly cargo he runs smack dab into that other beloved stereotype of 50's movies; the gang of hot rod delinquents, complete with greased back hair and switch blade knives. The gang steals the jeep and the box containing the deadly rod. When the hero catches up with the jeep the box is open and the gang has vanished. Exposing himself to lethal doses of radiation our hero drives to his destination and manages to arm the Job just before he gives up the ghost. I was wishing that everybody involved with this bore-fest could have been stuffed into the jeep with him! Avoid this one unless you need a cure for insomnia.
ChiefRocko I remember seeing this a few times as a kid during those Saturday afternoon monster movie shows. I have to say that THIS one always stuck with me. Not that it's that good or well made - it's NOT - but the premise. Blazing death coming at you at 4K mph? How could you run? How could you shelter? Basically you couldn't. THAT is the brilliance of this film - it creeps you out.Part of what sets this gem apart is that unlike most "happy happy joy joy" American films of the time, this one shows people who don't stand a chance actually dying. Kids, women, people in shelters - there's no last minute helo rescue or a sudden rainstorm that saves families cowering in alleyways... they're doomed and they stay doomed.Well worth a watch - and compared to a LOT of films of that era, this one is actually interesting and different.Keep an eye out: when the nervous scientist's pregnant wife is taking shelter in her bldg's basement, there's an angry bald guy complaining... every person in the room with me watching had the same reaction: "hey, that's the bald guy from the basement in Night of the Living Dead!" One thing - you would NOT want to be standing near Robert Loggia when a lot of heat builds up. Not going to say his acting is wooden, but if you look REALLY hard, in the background is a bunch of Amish guys chasing him so they can build a barn out of him. The man's a deciduous forest worth of wood.Of course this film would've been PRIME for Mystery Science Theater 3000... but then, every film ever made would be better getting riffed by Mike and the Bots. Perhaps Rifftrax can take care of this glaring omission!
r-brasher A rocket apparently of extra-terrestrial origin threatens to destroy mankind by circling the earth at low altitudes and generating a million degree heat five miles wide incinerating everything in its path It's up to scientist Dr. David Loring (Robert Loggia) to formulate a last-ditch plan to save the world.Clocking in at about 70 minutes with a lot of stock footage and less than spectacular special effects, "Lost Missile" is still an underrated B-movie classic which manages to use that stock footage and shoestring budget to great effect. I also found the storyline to be original, and considering the era this film came out, during the Cold War amidst fears of nuclear conflict between the Soviet Union and the U.S., I'm sure it hit home to those who got to see it back then. I, for one would love to see it remade, with modern special effects.Rating: ****1/2 out of *****
donsimo This may be THE sleeper sci-fi film of the 50s. Very imaginative story--plausible & with adult storytelling/writing. Loggia was great. I did find a VHS copy on ebay a few years ago and the story held up very well! And that alien missile looks like it was designed by Giger! ("Alien")