The Loreley's Grasp
The Loreley's Grasp
R | 24 August 1976 (USA)
The Loreley's Grasp Trailers

The legendary Loreley has been living for centuries in a grotto beneath the river Rhein in Germany. Every night when the moon is full, she turns into a reptile-like creature craving for human blood. When one girl after another of a nearby boarding school is killed by her, a hunter named Sigurd is engaged to kill the monster.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
HumanoidOfFlesh A series of nasty and bloody murders in which young and sexy women are found with their hearts torn out are connected to a horrible mythological creature known as the Loreley,who lives under water.Eurohorror goddess Helga Line plays Loreley and she transforms from beautiful woman to an ugly creature with an urge to kill.Only local hunter Tony Kendall can stop her reign of terror."The Loreley's Grasp" by Amando "Blind Dead" de Ossorio is a fantastic slice of Euro-exploitation.It's loaded with beautiful Euro babes and nasty heart-ripping sequences.The atmosphere of horror is well-developed and the acting is fairly good.The film is quite tame when it comes to erotica.The monster makeup tends to look terrible.Still the film works as a charming mood piece.8 buxom ladies out of 10.
dbborroughs Legend says a Lorelei lives in a cave near a river. Every full moon she takes the shape of a monster and comes out to kill, removing the hearts from her victims. Fearing her girls might be next a schoolmaster hires a hunter to keep her girls safe.Rubber suited monster movie from the director of the Blind Dead films. Enjoyment of this film will depend on your tolerance for monster that is clearly a rubber suit under a hooded cloak, and your mood. I normally would eat this sort of nonsense up, but for whatever reason I came into the film all wrong. Don't get me wrong its a well made film as these Euro-horrors go, but its so run of the mill and connect the dot plot-wise that you're going to be disappointed. Some people have claimed that this is a lost classic, but I don't think so. Certainly its better than a good number of similar horror films since it has a decent cast, good special effects (though silly monster) and some well filmed sequences, but at the same time the by the numbers nature of the plot collapses the whole thing in on itself since its all too clear from the start where its going. I've seen better and worse, and this is one I wish was better.Forgive me for not saying more but the film just doesn't elicit a better response, it's just sort of there. (I really should point out that I will be visiting this film again when the right mood strikes me)
Scarecrow-88 "According to the legend of the seven moons, Loreley will come out of the river in the form of a filthy beast to devour human hearts that will return her to her sleep of centuries."The film opens with a scaly monster exploding through the windows of a bride-to-be ripping her flesh with it's claws in gory splendor..making no bones about it director Amando de Ossorio sets the viewer up with what his film has in store for those who continue watching. A mythic beast, who takes shape from the Amazonian goddess Helga Liné(wearing nothing but a lizard green bikini the entire time on screen, which was fine by me), rises from the river to rip the hearts from victims to feed on while an all-girl's school calls on the skills of master-hunter Sigurd(Tony Kendall)to protect them while trying to find and kill it. What eventually occurs is that Sigurd falls in love with the beast in female form, Loreley, as well as the school lovely Professor, Elke(Silvia Tortosa, one of the most beautiful women I've ever laid eyes on), an uptight and proper disciplinarian. Elke, at first, resists her attraction of Sigurd, but eventually lets her hair down. But, Loreley is a jealous "Siren of the Rhine", which will put Elke in jeopardy as Sigurd begins to express his feelings for the professor. Meanwhile, a scientist(Ángel Menéndez)has studied the myth of Loreley and understands her "condition" from a completely realistic way..with a "radioactive" blade, the doc hopes to "destroy Loreley's cellular mutations and send her back to the dark night of legend from which she has emerged." When Loreley begins attacking in the village nearby the girl's school, the citizens pick up their lighted torches and rifles ready for action. But, under the river is an underground cavernous dwelling which houses the "Treasure of the Nibelungs", taken by Loreley's father Wotan for her to guard. Loreley has plans for Sigurd..he will live with her eternally. Sigurd is torn between killing the beast responsible for mutilated bodies left in it's wake and the love he has for the woman behind the monstrous shell.John Stanley, behind the horror review book CREATURE FEATURES, proclaims that Ossorio utilizes the "kitchen sink" theory in "Loreley's Grasp", which actually is what appeals to me. Plucking elements from various horror films and mythological tales, Ossorio creates this smörgåsbord of ideas packed in 80 minutes. Filled with eye candy(..lots of lovely ladies to feast our eyes on, including three water nympths who live with Loreley and her guardian grunt, Alberic, portrayed by Franco vet Luis Barboo)and nasty flesh ripping(..including the removal of hearts from torn wounds) Ossorio knew the crowd he was catering to, and delivers a fun exploitation flick using fantasy and the supernatural in a sexy, bold, graphically violent way. Might appeal to fans of "Humanoids of the Deep." The monster is rubber suited, but Ossorio wisely uses mostly point-of-view shots allowing the camera to be it's eyes, only showing the creeping reptilian clawed hands as they prepare to strike their victims.
flasherfanz When I saw this years and years ago....there was a big gimmick.They advertised it in my area as "When the screaming stops" and said it was the most disgusting movie ever. So, everybody that showed up got an airline style barf bag and they ran a big warning at the beginning of the movie telling people the producers were not responsible for whatever happened to those who watched the movie.The movie was heavily hyped with lots and lots of ads on local TV stations telling everyone that this was the grossest movie ever made.So there was a big buzz and the theaters were packed.Then, of course the opening scene was of a tranquil lake outside some castle in Europe and people began making very mocking barf sounds...that was probably the most memorable thing of the whole movie.There were some disgusting parts (including one part where I think the bad guy rips an organ out of a body and if I remember right eats it.Pretty gross stuff. But it was clearly a foreign movie repackaged and expertly hyped here in the US. Probably made some decent money but many felt ripped off.