The Life
The Life
NR | 16 April 2004 (USA)
The Life Trailers

An anthropology student exploring the nature of prostitution is drawn deeper into that profession than she ever expected.

Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
Claudio Carvalho A writer is interviewing prostitutes, porn stars and gigolos for her latest book. Meanwhile, in Los Angeles, the scholarship of the student of PHD of anthropology Rebecca (Denise Richards) finishes and she has financial problem to keep her apartment. Her neighbor and call-girl Adrianna (Daryl Hannah) introduces her to prostitution."Yo Puta" is a weird and pointless movie that explores the underworld of sex through interviews. In 1991, the sexy Theresa Russell filmed the good Ken Russell's "Whore" talking to the camera in a pseudo-documentary style, and the result was an original movie. Unfortunately "Yo Puta" wastes interesting information in a dull screenplay. I have recently watched "Lilja 4-Ever", "Anjos do Sol" and "Human Trafficking", and all these movies are related to the contemporary slavery of the traffic of women. "In Yo Puta", this subject is approached and lost in the shallow screenplay. The story of Rebecca and Adrianna is awful and ridiculous. My vote is four.Title (Brazil): "Garotas de Programa" ("Call-Girls")
Henry Fields They say Jesus Christ sacrificed for our sins, he suffered for us all… Alright, I think that I've just done the same that Jesus: I've watched "Yo, p..." so no one have to watch it anymore. I'll carry the cross, my brothers. The cross which is this apology of the prostitution, this fake documentary, this fake fiction. To prostitute yourselves is "just like any other thing" (that's what they say when they want to justify what cannot be justified, when they want to humanize the subhuman, to dignify the unworthy) , and men are just pigs, thirsty for sex, unmerciful pimps. The documentary part and its more than debatable message, its "artie" and post-modern touch, is hair-raising enough to keep yourself away from this treasure; but, let me tell you: the fictitious part is even worst!!! What did Denise Richards, Daryl Hannah, and Joaquin De Almeida drink in the party where the signed the contacts??? (I wan some of that too!!) . Well, the fictitious part has no rhythm, no sense of the narrative style… hey, What am I doing??? I'm not gonna lose more of my time with this crap: one of the biggest rubbish of 2004, and come on with that final dot!.My rate: 0/10
third_row_center I saw this movie on cable. I'm glad I didn't pay to rent it. Years ago I saw the Teresa Russell version titled "Whore" and I found it equally dry and disconnected. But I was at least compelled to watch that version with interest due to the slightly better quality of the production. This time around, despite the appeal of Denise Richards, I found it to be choppy and tedious. The constant "code switching" -- between the gritty documentary style and the Hollywood stars in fabricated studio sets -- really pollutes the vision of what this film is trying to achieve, I think. Honestly, the best thing this movie has going for it is the provocative poster featuring a woman shaving herself. (Furthermore, I can't get over the fact that Daryl Hannah continues to get work in the film industry, but that's just me.)In closing, I wish to make an important point regarding the previous reviewer's comments. With all due respect to lizardiharp's submission above, the Spanish phrase 'Yo Puta' does not translate to 'The Life.' 'La Vida' means 'The Life.' 'Yo Puta' means, appropriately, 'I am a whore.'
Zima Filippov Many things could be said about this film - misleading, clichéd, style over substance, but in the end the most important aspect plays the decisive role: this film is boring.The authors decided to present the film as a pseudo-documentary, but instead the viewer is subjected to seeing poorly acted commentary dialogue about prostitution over and over again. Maybe that would be interesting if the commentary itself had at least a spark of originality, alas... Person after person, every participant in this unwatchable boring mess says nothing but stereotypical b.s. It is almost as if the filmmakers made their product for someone from Mars - someone who has never seen or even heard of a prostitute in their entire life!Oh, there is also Denise Richards in this movie. Yes. We all know that Denise Richards adds credibility to any movie! Seriously though, Richards and Daryl Hannah are in this film, but why they are here is anyone's guess. Their scenes could be easily taken out - they are not important. Well, in fact, the whole film is not important - just skip it altogether and watch something else.