The Life & Adventures of Santa Claus
The Life & Adventures of Santa Claus
G | 17 December 1985 (USA)
The Life & Adventures of Santa Claus Trailers

The Great Ak calls a council of the Immortals to ask that Santa Claus be given immortality. And to justify it, he tells the history of Santa Claus. The Ak found an abandoned baby and gave it to a lioness and a fairy to raise, who named him Claus. When Claus grew up, the Great Ak showed him the evil and hardship in the world and Claus decides to live there and relieve some of the suffering. He decides to make toys for orphans, but King Awgwa, the ruler of the valley where Claus lives doesn't want the children to be happy, and there is a great battle among Immortals.

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
crowbone It's rare that I would recommend a bad movie.Throw all your notions about what Christmas was all about, because on this ride, there is nothing but pure anti-fantasy. OK, I could not stop looking at this while it was on, primarily because it is supposed to be a Christmas themed show....or so I thought.The weirdness compounds at an exponential rate while not really knowing what this was about. Honestly, my young sons were laughing out loud at how bizarre this was. I'm surprised Hitler and Lincoln didn't mud wrestle in this strange attempt.Before I found out anything about it, I was saying to friends who had seen it, but wanted to hear my take on it, that it was as if Lord of the Rings went to the North Pole, and the battle for Middle Earth was fought where gingerbread men should have been baked.This should be one forgetful show. The only reason I mention it is because, not knowing anything about it, looking at it from the perspective of someone who recognizes the "Rudolph" like animation, it takes you by surprise and leaves you saying "Huh?", "What the heck?", and "Oh My God!" so much, that it is actually entertaining.It makes me wonder if there is a Russ Meyer Christmas Special hidden in some garage.
draysonte This was one of my favorite Rankin-Bass productions. This particular telling of the Santa story is based on L. Frank Baum book of the same title: "The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus." The immortals are gathered by the Great Ak to decide whether or not the mortal Santa deserves the honor of becoming immortal (something the immortals can only grant once). The story is narrated by Ak and recounts how he found the young babe and watched over him as he was raised by some of the nymphs and animals that fell under Ak's jurisdiction.As with any Rankin-Bass stop animation production the creature concepts can be wildly imaginative (and scary... the Nooks tend creep me out, but I wouldn't mind a plush version of one) and be sure that there are numerous musical outbursts as the story progresses.This Baum story has also recently received an animated retelling. I am saddened that this particular version does not receive as much airing time, but I am very grateful that we always recorded Christmas specials when I was younger.I recommend this to anyone who enjoys Rankin-Bass holidays escapism and has an imagination that enjoys being stimulated.
CineMage **DEFINITE SPOILERS AHEAD**This is the story of the youth of the lad who became Santa Claus and how he was adopted by the faerie folk of an unspecified woods and eventually earned the right to be the immortal friend of all children in a suffering world.The story has moments of elegant insight. For example, at one point the young Claus is given a tour of the human world so that he can see how much misery and needless cruelty afflicts people throughout the world, particularly children. Like the better Rankin/Bass specials and the better stories in general, this tale does not shirk from the realities of human pettiness and suffering.But the story is ruined by moments of needless ugliness. This Santa Claus and his faerie friends encounters opposition from monsters, and Santa Claus deals with this opposition . . . by killing. He goes to war, and he kills his enemies in a battle which, while mild by adult standards, is gruesome for a children's 3-D puppetry special. Because of this, despite its wonderful beginning, I consider this and "The Leprechaun's Christmas Gold" to be two of the worst Rankin/Bass specials ever made.
zordon42 when i first saw this movie, i completly loved the songs, but now that i've got it recorded and got another look at it, i found that i loved the storyline. the characters were amazing, i loved how they represented themselves, and the scenery, i just loved this film for........ everything it had.