The Legend of Blood Mountain
The Legend of Blood Mountain
| 28 September 1965 (USA)
The Legend of Blood Mountain Trailers

A small-town newspaperman begins to suspect that a wave of murders committed in the area may not be the work of a serial killer but a monster. Edited into The Legend of McCullough’s Mountain.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Steineded How sad is this?
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
kagami101 DEMON HUNTER aka THE LEGEND OF BLOOD MOUNTAIN was an Atlanta-lensed monster flick starring Atlanta TV legend George Ellis as his "Bestoink Dooley" character. The writing and cinematography are "freshman year film school" at best but the film has a surprising amount of charm and is helped by a running time of just over one hour. It is comprised of set pieces that make you constantly go "WTF??". The blood and monster effects are pretty lame even by 1965 standards (you have to remember that American had already been hit over the head by the appalling excess of BLOOD FEAST by this point) so more laughs and chuckles than real horror. Despite the massive flaws it DID make money and the cast has a certain charm that is hard to ignore. Especially George. No matter how bad the comedy bits get and no matter how bumbling Bestoink is, he manages to maintain a certain dignity during the proceedings that most actors would never be able to manage with such material. You often watch this movie and swear that it was written and shot by Hal P. Warren of "Manos" infamy. Even some of the background music is very reminiscent of the jazz tooting in "Manos". From a "film school" standpoint, this movie is a complete bust. From a "have a few beers and let her rip" point of view, LEGEND is a film that can easily go toe to toe with such other anti-classics such as "Manos", "Monster A-Go Go" and "The Giant Spider Invasion". Not bad company to be in if you are a bad film...
wire_paladin69 Bestoink Dooley (George Ellis) was the host of The Friday Night Big Movie Shocker! shown at 11:00 PM on the Atlanta area CBS Affiliate WAGA.Later it was also shown on Saturday mornings at the end of the "kiddie" line up. George and his brother later purchased and managed the Ansley Mall Film Forum in Atlanta. As bad as "Blood Mountain" might have been, his taste in films was excellent. I saw numerous cult films, such as "A Boy and His Dog", and "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" at the Forum, along with other great movies like Zefferelli's "Brother Sun, Sister Moon" and "Ballad of Narayama". I'd love to get a video of "Blood Mountain", are there any out there?
EyeAskance Regional schlock(in color, amazingly) about a humble reporter named Bestoink(!), who is trying to solve an ages-old cowtown mystery. It seems that a certain mountain has been known to "bleed" human blood, marking the start of a killing spree by an ancient beast which lives within the mountain's hollow.Said monster does, indeed, turn up...and it's one sad looking critter, let me tell you...sort of a mangled conehead with furry riding britches and tails hanging from both hips, covered with what appears to be cottonballs. The creature growls like a lion, kills a couple of the resident good ol' boys, and chases Bestoink around for several minutes of unsuccessful intended comedy.This is a really weak flick, pure amateur-night dross with rampant sub-adequacies evident in every possible facet of its composition. In short, its gold-star entertainment for the enthusiast of artless American filmtrash. Leading lady Erin Fleming was once a pigeon for tabloid fodder concerning her strange and often turbulent relationship with Groucho Marx during his later years. Country singer Kenny Rogers' ex-wife, Marianne Gordon(who had a bit part in ROSEMARY'S BABY), is also featured.2.5/10
bj_rogers I remember seeing this film in 1965, I was a young girl. I had nightmares for months from this film. I think this was the first horror film I ever saw. I grew up in GA near stone mountain. I have told my children of this movie for years. I would love to see it again. Funny thing I have turned into quite a horror movie watcher. Stephen King is my favorite author. Maybe this movie had a bigger impact than I thought.